well, it's Sunday today, so naturally churchiness is on my mind- and today i am happy to say that i love Primary.
initially it took me a little while to warm up to the idea of Primary. i was sad to be released from serving in the Young Women program because i loved the girls, i loved the women i served with, and it (embarrassingly enough) was a good part of my social life and spiritual nourishment. i was worried that going into Primary would be so busy and stressful, and that i would miss out on that spiritual nourishment that you get in both YW & Relief Society- and i was more than kind of bummed.
boy was i wrong.
Primary is just such a wonderful place to be.
the spirit is so strong, the children are so loving, and the women i work with are remarkable.
the only reason i was sure before that being Primary President was what he Lord wanted for me was because that's what the Bishop had told me. "ok, i'll do it, but are you really, really sure?" because i really, really wasn't.
well, it's been a few months, we've survived the new year and the craziness of re-staffing almost entire new batch of Primary teachers, we've had several meetings, and had more than several prayers to know what to do- and i really feel overwhelmed that i am where i am supposed to be. sure, there are a million people who are way more organized than i am or that have way more knowledge and experience than i do. but for some reason the Lord is giving me this opportunity to serve- and i feel lucky and blessed.
some things i love about Primary:
i love the funny things kids say.
one week, i was teaching about Agency. i was talking about the Plan of Salvation and about how Heavenly Father had a plan for us where we would be given the gift to make choices for ourselves. i told them how Satan, on the other hand didn't want us to choose for ourselves, but to be like robots and he could choose for us everything we did. the following week, another leader was teaching Sharing Time. she asked the question, "What was Satan's plan before we came to earth?" a little girl raised her hand, "For us to be robots!"
well, at least she was listening.
i love the primary songs.
the spirit comes so strongly into the room when i hear little kids singing about Jesus, and about knowing the scriptures are true. my testimony grows and my frustrations from my home life go away. i am also amazed by how quickly they learn the songs- Ellie comes home singing songs that she's learning in primary and it makes all of us smile.
i love how teachable children are.
today i was teaching the children about reverence, per the idea of one of my counselors. basically i made these adorable sticks with butterflies on the end as a symbol of reverence- there is a story in the Friend where a Primary President teaches two rambunctious children about reverence by taking them to a butterfly exhibit at the zoo; she shows them how to catch a butterfly- the story quotes:
“Reverence is a lot like these butterflies. You don’t catch a butterfly. You let it come to you. You don’t catch a reverent feeling, either. It just comes to you when you are quiet. It’s the warm feeling you are feeling right now. You can also feel it when you think about Jesus Christ or anything else wonderful. When you are in Primary next Sunday, think about how quiet you had to be to have these butterflies in your hands. Then think about Jesus, and see if you get that same reverent feeling.”
as i was showing the children the butterflies i made, i could see their eager, willing eyes understanding and accepting this truth about what reverence means. i wish i was as eager, meek, teachable and willing to accept the Lord's truths as little children are. (note: you can find the Butterfly story here).
i love learning so much from my calling.
the women i work with are wonderful. we are all so different and yet i feel connected to them in a unique and special way. i feel strengthened by them and their reliability, their creativity, and their unique personalities that reach out to others. it really makes me want to be better. i love learning from the children. they are so kind and pure in heart and my testimony is strengthened as they willingly share their talents, their testimonies, and their love for each other and the gospel.
i love being where Ellie is.
the sunbeams are just the cutest little squirts on the planet. i'm sure you've seen Ellie wearing her sunbeam crown in random pictures i have posted over the last few weeks (yes, we even made one for Alice - she feels pretty awesome) she is so proud to be in primary- she knows it's a special place to be. because it is. i love primary.
now, that doesn't mean i like 7:30 am meetings, that i'm not extremely excited for Alice to go into nursery in 9 Sundays (but who's counting, right?), that i don't come home from church all sweaty, and that i don't desperately crave a nap every Sunday... i am human, you know.
I love primary, too! teaching in primary is always my favorite place to be! it is completely terrifying and daunting at first - I first got called right after graduating high school & young women's. I had no idea what to do with those kids! they weren't much younger than me! but primary has taught me so much over the years and now I dread being anywhere else :)
I still wish I was in Primary with you. Your testimony of it is so touching and made me smile. I love the things kids say too. Thanks for sharing the butterfly story. So Sweet!
I love primary, too. Sometimes I feel so burned out on kids, but there's just something about the sweet simplicity of primary and the innocent faith of children that brings me back to the reason why we're here. I'm glad you love it, too!
Primary is the best and you are an awesome Primary Prez! (Pres with a Z means that you are also a hip one.) I will never forget that Robot comment. Cute kids!
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