it all started last thursday...november 1st...when i heard on the radio a familiarly unfamiliar tune. i'm kind of a nut when it comes to music so i decided to tune in a little longer to figure it out. and then came that calm, sultry yet inspiring tone singing, "fall on your knees, oh hear the angel voices, oh night divine, oh night when Christ was born..." sing it, sweet Groban, i thought. WAIT! Was that CHRISTMAS music????
it was.
and suddenly, my heart smiled...if it had ears, it would have smiled from ear to ear.
then, today, i decided, i want some food. and, i want something that is not in my house. i'm not sure what it is, but let's go to the G-store and figure it out.
I got to my neighborhood grocer, and was just gliding along with my germ-infested cart...and there it was. "Halleliuah" angel choruses were being sung...and i almost cried; peppermint ice cream is back.

tonight i had a huge bowl of that peppermint delight- i won't lie, there are consequences. but boy are they worth it. i love the holidays- with peppermint ice cream, they're simply peppermintly perfect.
So next to you possibly I am the next biggest fan of peppermint ice cream! Seriously! I dont get sick, I just gain weight...but SO worth it haha!!
hey cute friend i came across your blog! you are so cute. i too love the ice cream and it hates me. its a punishment of some sort.
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