best purchase ever.
we got a screamin' deal, only had to pay for me and M since Ellie wasn't three yet, and went to the Park a total of 9 times using our pass before it expired last weekend. i'd say we got our money's worth out of it....though now that we have to pay for one for Ellie, i don't know if we'll be renewing them. sniff.
i know what you're thinking, "Marci, aren't you all Disney'd out??" and to that i say, "NEVAAHHH!" (*said like a pirate) that would mean i wouldn't be a Disney Freak. and a Disney Freak i am. i will never be Disney'd out.
it's understandable that some people get stressed by all the mayhem and chaos that Disneyland brings.
others would rather go to any place OTHER than Disneyland, especially with babies and toddlers (and this last time we went, we truly experience chaos- losing Minnie Ears, blankies, headbands, and sunglasses. and it was 99 degrees. yeah, it was a doozie. i wouldn't recommend Disneyland on a 99 degree day. wouldn't you agree Mom? it was nuts.).
but i love it.
maybe it's because i was born in Southern Cal and spent many childhood days and nights at Disneyland, crying over shared cotton candy and being terrified of creepy characters such as a larger-than-life Pinocchio or the weird wolf from Splash Mountain?
{look at our awesome Disney Attire- i mean, we practically came out of the womb as Disney Freaks- i'm even sportin' the Minnie Socks! and look at Sean's suspenders AND fanny pack. man we're jet-setters}
or maybe it's because lived in Anaheim till i was 10? and almost every night in the summer we'd sit on the wall in front of my lil red brick house and watch those Disneyland fireworks?oh the memories.
it's true, Disneyland just smells like my childhood.
i love the music, the rides (even the annoying kiddie ones), the food (oh, the food!), the happy people everywhere, and the joy it brings on my face and my kids' faces. it's just the best.
anyway, i haven't done a good job of posting pictures from our most recent visits...mostly because i feel like i overwhelm the blogosphere with my obsession with Disneyland. i know, it can be nauseating. but then i got to thinking about it, and i dont' care if it's nauseating! i want to print this crazy blog someday- and in it, i want documented proof of all my awesome excursions with my cute fam to the happiest place on earth.
now, be warned:
gazillions of pictures lie ahead.
(translation: your eyeballs may hurt from excessive disneyness).
i couldn't help myself.
and since pictures are the fun part anyway, you'll only find a brief description (boxer brief style) before the pictures from each of the three visits we made this year.
proceed with caution.
from our 2-day visit in March:
(Group = Gammy, Pops, Mama, Alice, Ellie, Mimi, Chelsie)
Meeting TONS of characters (and having an autograph book for them to sign! what a hit!): Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, Rapunzel, Cinderella, Fairy Godmother, Alice, Mad Hatter
Alice looking like an adorable chunk in her red polka dot dress and Minnie Ears
Ellie looking adorable dressed up as Minnie and Cinderella
Eating our favorite sandwich- the Monte Cristo
Riding "It's A Small World" as many times as we wanted
Riding "Winnie the Pooh" as many times as we wanted
Going on the Bumper Cars with Pops
Dancing with Alice & the Mad Hatter- and hugging them realllly tight
Having an extra fun time since Gammy, Pops and Mimi (and her friend Chelsie!) all came and partied with us
from our escapade in May:
(*note: i did post some photos from this day in my Disneyland: Holga post. i love those pictures)
Group: Mama, Daddy, Ellie, Alice, Mimi- and we even got to meet up with some friends!
Meeting Ariel and Aurora right at the beginning of the day
Ellie dressed up as Rapunzel- so cute
Riding the new Toy Story ride for the first time- so fun! (the line is always so long- but this time it wasn't too bad and we finally waited for it- we all loved it)
Meeting up with our friends Nick and Rachel, Cristian and Reese- so fun to see you guys! thanks for making the trek out to see us!! it was so cute seeing Ellie and Reese play together. man we miss you guys!
Meeting up with our friends Julianne and Bracken and their adorable triplets- thanks for staying late to see us!!! your kids are so adorable- and it's just not fair that we don't live closer. miss you all!
Alice being interested in the rides- she loved "It's a Small World" - and so it of course was engrained in our memories at the end of the day
Going on Autopia a million times- Ellie loves that ride
and from our most recent trip, the end of August:
Group: Mama, Daddy, Ellie, Alice, Gammy, Jeff, Mimi
Our crazy 2 mile walk to the park + from the park. what were we thinking, Mom!?
Seeing Ellie, M & Jeff ride the teacups
Alice riding her first carousel- and squealing out of joy the whole time
Ellie riding in between two strangers on Pirates of the Caribbean- hilarious!
Alice taking her first steps to Gammy- seriously- she took her first four steps at Disneyland to Gammy. what an awesome thing to be able to say for the rest of her life! (spoken from her Disney Freak mother)
surviving the heat with frozen lemonades and ice cream cones
Ellie and Alice in their matching Minnie Costumes-i die!!
Ellie and Alice meeting Minnie together (three times!)- i die again!
Ellie dancing in the middle of the street- all by herself- while waiting for the parade to begin- hilarious.
Ellie learning how to bow and dance like a Princess at the Royal Coronation Ceremony- so cute.
watching Gammy and Ellie go on the bumper cars together
Seeing M have a blast with his little brother on all the rides
the awesome new fireworks show- especially seeing Dumbo fly over the Castle
and i think one of my favorite things about Disneyland is when the day is nearly over and all of a sudden....there's silence. so you look down to your stroller to make sure everyone's ok, only to see everyone in a true Disney Coma.

and you know there's gotta be some good dreams going on in those little sleepy brains.
and thus concludes my mega-Disneyland 2011 post!
don't know when we'll be back (sniff)...
but when we do, you'll be sure to be one of the first to know about it.
(i can hear your excitement bursting through the screen).
i love Disneyland.
but i'm pretty sure you've already gathered that much.
*a special thank you to my parents and sis for always being willing to come with us, the circus, to Disneyland. i know it's not easy- but it's so much more memorable and sweet when you're around. hugs.
I'm not sure what is cuter: little Marci, or Ellie and Alice dressed as matching Minnies? I'd say the passes were worth it, and now I really want to take Tate to Disney. Thanks for that.
Your kids are the cutest! You are lucky that you live "semi" close to Disneyland! Your girls look like they are having a ball! What a great and fun mom you are!
LOVE IT!!!! Now I'm going through major withdrawals!
Love seeing all your pics. It is so cute that your girls go dressed up every time. We are Disney obsessed too (Almost to the oversized adult T of Tinkerbell-but I haven't crossed that line quite yet:) You are so lucky to have family down there to stay with-how fun!
There is seriously, absoultly nothing wrong with being Disney Obsessed. (coming from the soon to be 27 year old; that has had an annual pass to disneyworld for the past 5 years...and has no kids to share it with) And you're kids are adorable! Have you looked into the payment plan option? That's how I'm paying for my current DisneyWorld pass; it's like 25 bucks a month automatically withdrawn from my account (granted, I know it'd be more for 2 adults and a child...but it makes it a little more cost efficient.
One day we're going to Disneyland...and I'm inviting you guys to come with us because it seems like you know how to do Disney right! Those little Minnies are the cutest ever! And passing out in a Disney coma at the end of the day? LOVE! I'm glad you shared all of these pictures--your girls are going to love looking at them as they get older!
I read this post the day before we went to Disneyland for the first time last week and it made the anticipation sooooo much worse! Gee, thanks ;) I love this post, you're such a cute mom. One day we will live in Socal and have annual passes. Just sayin'.
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