my name is marci.
i post as "marce." (pronounced like this: mar-sssssss). because that's what my friends call me. and my family too. it's my nickname.
you may not remember me because....well, i fell off the planet, adopted a crazy child, and moved to kansas where tornadoes run rampant (aka, i've been running here and there trying to get my life in order, have a one-year-old who suddenly decided that dumping out boxes of cheerios and unpacking every packed box is the fun thing to do (toys are so overrated), and thus, my house resembles a tornado zone).
nice to see you again.
i really, really don't want to post. because i feel sad and mad and don't feel like being all cute and fuzzy and trying to find something brilliant to say. (whoa, maybe i woke up on the wrong side of my air mattress this morning? {did i mention that all of our furniture is gone?})
so, i'm going to sulk. for today. and maybe another week.
because i'm not ready for the move.
but ready or not, the move is ready for me.
so here it comes.
watch out, San Fran.
wish me luck.
(and a small amount of tears....because no just not how it's going to be).
p.s. since a post is just not a post without pictures, here's my tribute to summer as it slips from our seven peaks and canyon camp fires!
dear utah, i already miss you. love, marce.

We feel your pain, we'll always have a special place in our hearts for Utah because that's where we all spent those precious "in school, newly married, poorer than dirt yet pregnant" days. Its okay to cry. You're such a cute family we love the pictures esp. Ellie's face in the Seven peaks one. Good luck with your move, Ca is fun. Say hi to the beautiful temeperate weather for me!
Wait, where are you going? Did I miss something?
Good luck, Marce!! I'm sad you're leaving but excited for your new adventure:) If and when you come visit again can we go to lunch again?? Ellie is darling and I can't wait to keep reading all about her and her fun new home in San Fran!!
You will be great! You are such a cute family the people will eat you up there and you'll be surrounded by great friends in no time.
And in my opinion- let the tears fall... because the more you try to keep them back the more they just build up! :)
Good luck!
we are moving to the Bay Area in Northern California! hubby took a job in San Fran.....craziness. are you guys still in southern utah?? we were there a few weekends ago and i thought of you. i was hoping i'd bump into you at target or something :) xoxo
Cry it out, sister. I was a friggin basketcase before we moved! I think you know deep down that everything is going to be awesome in California at some point, but it's fine to be sad and grumpy about it for now. It's normal.
I don't have any advice about how to keep E out of the boxes. The only thing I could think of was keeping her strapped in her car seat for the next week or so. And then I was worried that everyone reading this would think I'm a weirdee. Good luck with that one!
This is officially the longest comment I've ever written. I love your guts and know that the next time we meet each other I'm just going to hug your little body and bawl my eyes out. You're gonna do great. I'll be praying for you.
I'm sad just reading this. I hate that you are moving :( I know that you guys will have a great adventure there but you will be missed like crazy! Good luck getting things ready. We love you 3!!
Utah will miss you as well. It will all work out though & luckily we get to all keep in touch via blogging!
today wasn't the same without you there. I think I'll enjoy first grade, but will totally miss seeing your smile and happiness. Hope the move goes well and Ellie adjusts quickly. Can't wait to hear about this grand adventure on your blog. Love you tons. RaeAnn
" IT WILL ALL WORK OUT!... Promise. Parting with dear friends, family... all the memories, in a way.... parting with a wonderful chapter of your lives... merits for you to feel the sweet sorrow. No way to skip this feeling. Once you give your heart, it's so hard to say goodbye... even " see you laters" are so hard! It's OK to show our fragile humanity at times like this. I am certain that for you... The best is yet to come. If I know anything about you and Mike and Ellie.... this is the beginning of the best and happiest years.
I had a nice time with you today. You looked amazing. I will see you on Saturday. I love you all.... to the Highest Mountain.
moving is no easy thing and not alot that makes it easier (sucky I know) other than time. my first six month is cali was.... well not easy. however the Lord definitely had a purpose for us being there, I'm sure he does for you as well. Does that make it easier right now, probably not when my mom told me the same thing I almost hung up on her. One good thing thing is that your in my of my most favorite cites. We went their every summer as kids. If you like fish, there's a little cafe called Pacific Cafe (the wait can be a little long, it's a know fav so just be sure to get there at 5! it will make your day better:) I'll pray for you and your adorable fam- oh and just let the tears come out.. I did. again moving is not easy, not everyone had the courage to did it. I'm proud of you!
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