but july is a verrrrrry close second.
i love the smells.
the warm pavement on my feet.
the colors.
the parades.
the pancake breakfasts and crowded parks.
the cool trails by the river.
watermelon seeds.
water fights.
the frizbee-throwing and volleyball-playing.
the sparklers.
the tired-eyes from swimming and playing in sprinklers.
the bangs, pows and wabams.
the colorful skies.
and of course, the red, white and blue (and dressing my baby girl in it!)

oh sweet july.
how i love thee.
let freedom ring!
and of course, enjoy your fourth...
Another great post, Marci. Your little E is just so adorable. And you're right - July is great. Happy 4th!
July is one of my favorites too! I LOVE IT! Especially the 4th. I cannot wait to see E and M & M. Will make my weekend the best!!!! I might eat her though, so be prepared :) (That is if I can keep her away from Bracken)
She is sooo beautiful! How are you guys?
She is SO adorable. Finn had those flip flops when he was smaller -- I LOVE them!
Perfect post. perfect.
hi marci...
you have a beautiful family... it is so precious to see a young girl like you ... have her "act" together... what a beautiful family you have been blessed with... little queen elizabeth looks a lot like your mom.... i think...
please give me a call, i found one of your cd's in a computer that we bought from a thrift store... it has lots of pictures of you and ellie... even though you have 10,000 pictures of ellie... i still thought that this cd is a treasure that you would surely want to keep anyways...i spent 7 hours on the internet trying to find your number to call... but i was happy to stumble across your blog... anyways...
please give me a call and let me know how i can send the cd back to you... :) bernice (909) 525-0401
I want to squeeze her adorable little cheaks. Can I clone her? So sweet...
Isn't is grand to be free?! Free to blog, free to dress your little girl... free to choose ! I love this country and the 4th celebrations! It was wonderful to have you over the weekend. Ellie can't possibly get any cuter. But I am sure she will! You are loved!
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