why, you ask?
because we've been partying hard and celebrating good times. because M is officially a college graduate.
(insert WOO-HOO, hallelujah chorus, and pomp and circumstance here)
i'm so proud of him.
he looked so smart in his cap & gown & robes.
it was such a wonderfully long weekend (starting Wednesday) with family and friends..
(thank you to all our family and friends who celebrated with us and made M feel so loved. it was so nice to spend time with all of you!)
a special shout-out to M's brother, Mark. he flew out from Boston to celebrate with M. thanks for making the trip, Mark! it was so fun to see you.
anyway, throughout the weekend,
we ate good food.

we laughed until we cried.
we hugged.
we kissed.
we smiled.
and we ate more good food.
Ellie was so proud of her daddy, too.
she gave him lots of hugs.
and kisses.
she was very enthralled by his tassel.
and then needed a break to eat a flower or two...
and of course, bang on the most dangerous thing in sight...an electric box that said "DANGEROUS, HIGH VOLTAGE."
and while it was all so fun, i can't help feeling a little bit...sad.
i know, i know, you're probably like, "holy cow! how could you be sad to be done with college debt and penny-pinching?"
well, i guess i'm just already tired of growing up. i'm tired of saying good-bye. i'm sad to think of leaving this little place that has been so good to M and me...it is where it all began! so many memories. maybe i'm having a little bit of an identity crisis?? do i define myself as a BYU student or a BYU student's wife? and now i'm not a BYU student or a BYU student's wife...but rather a BYU fan...and an accountant's wife instead (how did this happen??)? eek. maybe i'm not ready to be this new identity. maybe i'm not ready for it really to all be over yet.
i know,
it's not over yet.
in fact, it won't officially be over till M starts his career in september.
and that's not for 5 months.
even though i have 5 weeks left of school...
let the party begin.
Yahhoooo! We couldn't be happier for you! It was so much fun to share this amazing accomplishment with you. We loved seeing the Chapmans as always. It is such a sweet experience to witness your children finish their college education. We know these will be deliriously happy 5 months for you! Enjoy! You deserve it.
congrats.... it's very weird to start "real life" I've only been in it for a few months now but yep.. it's weird having this be the first
semester we haven't been in school
I had the same feelings when I graduated from Chico State. What an amazing town. How could I be happy in another town after starting my adult life in Chico. But I did move shortly after graduation to where I live now and after an engagement, wedding, and 2 babies, I am happy to say that although I miss Chico, I am much happier up in the Sierra Nevadas.
Enjoy your last 5 months, they go quickly.
New chapters kinda scare me! But they're also soo exciting! Congrats to Mike! You guys will be great no matter where the road takes you!
And little Ellie is growing so much! She still looks a lot like you, but I can definitely see more Mike in her as well... she's a perfect little combo! :)
Why is change so hard? I don't take it very well. My parents have always said time goes by faster the older you get... and now, every year seems to fly by. I just want to stop time every once and awhile. Is that too much to ask? Cherish the closing chapter and look forward to the new one ahead. You two are destined to succeed. Congratulations Mike!
It was a great week! We are so proud of you and Mike and little Ellie. Thanks for all of the fun times and the great meals you fixed for us. Those are awesome pictures of graduation. Don't be sad. Life will just get better and better. We love you guys.
Congrats to both of you for being done with school! What a relief, I'm sure. Even though the upcoming chapter of life is scary, you will be relieved and it will be a happy chapter. Love all the pics - so cute.
Yeah! I'm so excited for you guys! Does this mean that in another 5 weeks you and mike will get to hang out all day together before you move? Not going to lie when Travis graduated and was looking for a job for those 2 months and we had so much time together it was AWESOME (although stressful at times). It will be fun. Oh & we will for sure be here until August because now I just want to save money (ramsey plan fixation). parrrrty. Want to go running wednesday night? maybe around 6 or 7? Also....when did you start ellie on rice cereal? 4 months?
Congratulations!! We feel AWFUL that we weren't able to make it (I had surgery that day) but the pictures made us feel like we were there (kudos to whomever took them). We are so happy for you guys to be moving into the next stage of life, trust me, it rocks! Love you guys.
Congrats! I am excited for Owen to finally finish and get a really job! That will be the day. Celebrate!
Congratulations! I find that graduations are always bitter sweet.
But I've also found that sometimes we good really good at life - and need to stretch ourselves a little. You two are BYU/Provo Pros and now it's time for something new.
Besides, the world needs you three.
Congrats Mike! Such a great accomplishment for all of you! We'll sure miss you when you leave.
That is sooo aweseom! Graduation day is so fun, a lot of reflecting and memories.
Yeah M! Congrats on joining the old people club!
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