this is how i'm feeling:

i'm mean.
i'm moody.
i'm thinking of sugar every second.
(is anyone else like this with 0 sugar?)
oh, and i feel skinnier.
ok, maybe not skinnier.
but... i'd like to think i am.
because we just bought season passes for this place:

for one summer, i am excited to put all my apprehensions and qualms of public pools aside (jus think of all of that PEE...don't lie, you worry about it too) to enjoy Seven Peaks Water Park as often as i'd like. anyone else getting passes? anyone else WANT to get a pass to join me?
anyway, back to my point about me being angry and moody due to my sugar withdrawals.
getting a Seven Peaks pass made me think:
huh, i wonder what swim-suit i'll wear.
swimsuit season.
a very frightening scenario.
which hasn't happened since my pre-Ellie life.
so i'll stick to the 0 sugar.
for now.
Marci!!! I can totally relate to no sugar, i went on that diet - all artifical sweeter as well. it was for health reasons, and i tell you what = BRUTAL. Give it about five days:( sad i know. it will work.
I wish I could go no sugar...I really dont think I could do it. I have to take it baby steps and start in moderation and work up to no sugar...way to go!! Public pools creep me out too, i just have to remind myself they pump a LOT of chlorine in there to kill quite of bit of the pee:) I also am VERY apprehensive of putting on a swim suit..I bought a real cute one from Modbe and got a Cherry Hill pass...but I'm still way way nervous and make myself sick over putting on a swim suit again...
I know what you mean. Its always on your mind! Its SOOOOOO hard. You can do it! I thought going one month without junk food would help my waistline...not at all. I've only lost 1.5 pounds. I think this next month I will eat what I want and exercise. Does next Thursday work for you? Can't wait to see you!!!!!!!
It's hard at first, but you get used to it. Until you break down and eat 3 cookies like I did! He He He! It's worth it though! I feel so much better and have lots more energy since I started watching what I eat and exercising.
Maybe I need to join you in your no sugar diet. Swimsuit season is already upon us down here. Ahhh!
P.S. LOVE the hair. I didn't know it was so long. :)
Oh, Marci, Marci! Don't worry so much. But I am proud of you for being so good at getting the sweet thing under control. It's true! After a week or so, it's way easier. Now I need to do it myself! Love you!
I can't even pretend I could try to go a week without sugar... maybe one day...before the summer..maybe.. Mostly, I wanted to say again how much I LOVE your hair!!!
hooray! We have passes too and are stoked! I think the Dows are also getting passes this year. And what the crap are you talking about? You are gorgeous,no need to worry. But, good luck with no sugar anyway. :-)
You can do it! It's just because you're thinking about it alot, but this time will pass and then you won't even think about it (hopefully). Some sugar free desserts to try: Cut up strawberries and cool whip (Free) cool whip. Also, a scoop of peanut butter, 2 scoops cool whip, and a shot of sugar free chocolate syrup. MMMM.... let me know how it goes. Fruit helps alot.
Oh my gosh! You look adorable in a swimsuit, I've seen you, and you look great right now! The sugar thing is horrible. I totally relate. Give it a week and things will get better. Cheetos help me for some reason. Just to get through the first week.
Good luck!
Don't worry, you're not alone on the no sugar thing. When I have no sugar, no one should be around me. ha ha ha. I hope the diet works out. YOU CAN DO IT! And I LOVE the bangs on you btw. Great choice!
PS- I hope you don't mind that I read your blog every now and then. I love catching up on you and your cute lil' fam.
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