we're leaving.
as most of you know, M did an internship in the bay area this past summer. at the end of much blood, sweat, and tears (on his part), he was offered a job.
a couple of weeks ago, M sealed the deal by signing his life away to deloitte & touche in san fran.
sounds exotic, right? life in san francisco! but it's weird...because i think of myself as an adventurous person. but this leaving has me all scared, psyched out, shakin in my boots. i find myself "attached" to this utah place. i like the green jello. i like being around for family get-togethers and parties. i like seeing a steeple on every corner. i like the big mountains all up in my grill. i like finding a huge selection of modest clothing stores.
don't get me wrong, i'm 100% confident this is the right thing to do. and i'm excited for the adventure. so many amazing things to do and see in the bay area! and to be close to M's family! but. i'm still scared. in fact, i'm a big fat scaredy pants. how is that possible? it's not like we're moving to jupiter. i can leave on a jet plane to the beehive state just as easy as i can leave on a jet plane to san fran, right?

What an adventure! We will definitely come visit you. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Northern Cali. So reality is hitting Eli and I about how expensive having a baby really is. AH!! Will I see you next weekend still?
I hate when you post sad things :( I'm so sad that you are leaving, it's not like I see you much when you are 1 hour away but still..Cali? You will have an awesome time and a great adventure! You are an amazing person and will be able to handle it just fine, so don't be scared!
Wow! Congrats to Mike for landin the job! Who knows- maybe we'll be neighbors out there someday! :) Are you going to live right in San Fran? When do you guys leave?
Congrats to Mike on the job! *sniff* I hate that you guys are leaving, I'm sure I'm not alone. You guys are so awesome, so loved by so many people. It will be really hard to see you go. When does he leave? Lets hand out soon, k!
So...Happy Birthday Marci! I feel so bad that when I saw you on Sunday I didn't say anything. :( I'm glad to hear you had such a special birthday, you deserve it! 23 was a great year for me, I'm sure it will be awesome for you too!
another reason for us to always come visit. thank goodness our lives are a tangled web. congratulations mike!
Marci! Congratulations! I hear you on the homesickness - but to live in San Francisco is a fantasy for so many people in the States (including ME!). I'm sure you will come to see why soon! My best friend lives there and I am always PSYCHED to visit! Yes, it's definitely full of crazy people (but so is Utah!) and it's very different culturally from Utah. But you'll have the ocean and the beach, and plenty of mountains, and the redwoods, and fresh fresh fresh produce, and an incredible food scene (think of all the salsa and guac etc. you'll get to eat!) and an awesome literary culture, and amazing year-round warmth, and lots of new friends! :)
At least you can keep in touch with the blog! :)
Been there, well actually I am still there! From a fellow life-long Utah girl who made the same move, you can do this. If I can, you most definitely can. It's such a great area. Please look us up when you arrive. Welcome to the Deloitte family!
Im so excited for you guys!! How fun to live in San Fran! Congrats to Mike, thats so wonderful!!! When do you guys move??
when are you going? I loved living in Cali. You've been there so you know. But I know what you mean about leaving Utah. I feel the same.
Congrats to Mike! Good luck to you Marci. It's hard leaving the Beehive state, but you are so loving and caring you are going to fit right in no matter where you go.
hey.. when do you move? that will be a fun change for a bit.. moving away is nice.. stinks being away from family but makes visiting them that much more fun!!! also, if you need a friend.. my sister and her hubby and 19 month old daughter live in that area... i don't know if you will be in the actual city of san fran, but i know she's not too far from it!!!
Congratulations! How exciting! Really. You will love it once you're there. It's the whole thinking about leaving that's tough. And San Fran in so fun! There is something really magical about being your own little family unit 'out there'.
WHAT THE?????? You're moving??? Thanks for informing me of that yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH! Oh the trials of meeting and losing such great people! You will be missed. When is this happening??
Good luck and congrats!!! What is this new, what will he do for work? Are you still going to teach or be a stay at home mom?
yay for jobs! i am excited for you - and at least you will be by one side of the family, right? it will give me a darn good excuse to go to san fran. :)
when do you have to leave?
Marci, I'm excited for you guys.. where are you going to live? And we should hang out. I haven't met E and I want to. You guys will love it here... and then, later, if you don't you can go back, right?
Looks like the LAO might be relocating to California. You, me, Dan... haha! That's awesome, and be glad it's northern Cali instead of southern... I like it up there SO much better, but we ended up in LA. You'll love it!
Whhhhhatttt??? You are moving???? How could you do this to us! Just kidding. This is how we feel about it: " Ain't no mountain high enough.... ain't no valley low enough.... ain't no river wide enough,... to keep me away from getting to you babes! " Come on... ! Sing it along! This will be our theme song from now on. You will bloom wherever you are planted. We are so proud of you and will come visit often. Loves,
Oh my goodness, congrats! Whast an adventure, good luck!
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