1. a couple of posts ago, i reached my 100th post. somehow it feels like i have rambled on about things more than 100 times...alas, it's a fun milestone to have hit.
2. a couple of visits ago, i reached 18,000 visits to my blog. what!? seriously.
3. today is october. i love october. it's my favorite month! let me tell you why: i love that it owns my birthday. i love the smells it brings. i love the changes in the weather. i love the beautiful mountains dressed in yellow, orange, and red. i love the decor. i love the costumes. i love the wackiness that comes over the children motivated by one single thing: candy. i love october.
so, since 2 of those 3 things have to do with YOU, my readers, i'd like to say thank you.
thank you for visiting my blog. who knew that people would want to read what i have to say?
thank you for reading about my silly rantings.
thank you for taking the passenger seat in my pregnancy journey...and mommy-hood journey. i know it's been a bumpy, scenic drive.
thank you for your kind, uplifting, encouraging, funny comments. i always look forward to reading what you have to say about my crazy thoughts and my little family.
now, while words are nice and fluffy, i know the true way to say thank you is with presents.
haha, just kiddin'.
but i'm not kiddin' about the present. i want to say thank you by giving away this little october ensemble (to celebrate you + my favorite month).
how to enter? leave a comment before midnight on sunday october 5th. i will announce the winner on monday october 6th. anyone can enter! you know you love to win free stuff as much as i do...or maybe you just love receiving mail other than bills (we hate bill in our house).
best of luck...happy commenting...and.. happy october!
*update: i just had a great question by my mother-in-law: "how are you going to choose a winner?" to answer that question, i'm going to print off everyone's name who comments, cut them into individual strips, and put them in a hat. then i'm going to let the mr. draw one. so, ike i said, anyone can enter, and anyone can win! thanks for the question, Lynne!*
*updated update: ok, i realize now that i was a little retro thinking i would cut/glue/print, etc the names of my commenters for the giveaway...luckily, d-dawg informed me that i can google "random number generator" and the computer will pick a name for me! that sounds much more legit and chic...thanks d-dawg!*
Marci, you are too cool. I love the contest idea... and anything that includes peanut M&M's. It is so fun to read your blog and feel a little connected to you guys even though we are so far away. Thanks for sharing.
youre cute. and i like your blog.
OOH I love October too! I love Pumpkins and orange, and candy and all the cuteness!
I love October too. It has MY birthday as well. (And of course my little boys birthday...hopefully soon:)) And the colors, I go for drives into the mountains solely for the colors. So beautiful!! I adore you and your blog!!
What a hoot. A blog contest. How are you going to choose the winner? That's a pretty fun idea.
Your baby is adorable! I can hardly believe that my sister's friends have children. It makes me feel old. Your blog is super cute by the way!
yea! blog giveaways! if we comment more than once does it increase our chances of winning the yumminess??
Does it??? (okay-i seriously won't leave a million comments :) happy birthday month!!
I almost bought that exact same dishtowel, so I think i know where you got it..haha, ps October is my favorite too!
Peanut M&M's???? Count me in. Those are my weakness. Thanks for offering it!
we have been getting so excited about fall too! the leaves in the canyon are just gorgeous!
Pick me, Pick me! ( Donkey from Shrek style!)
How about I pick my prize! You move to San Francisco... and I win Ellie? Yeah. Right! I love you Marci. You are hilarious and always make me laugh. Besitos
I love the contest. I love fall so much and am missing it this year! Cute new background. I love it.
I didn't so many people's favorite month is October. I thought I was the only one who loved this month. I like it because it's fun to decorate in oranges, yellows, and browns. Plus halloween is a bonus. Akalia just told me she likes October because she likes to dress up and carve pumpkins. Take care. Tell your mom and dad hi from Craig and I.
Happy Birthday month to you! I loved seeing you the other day! You are the best! And I love your blog, with or without peanut M&M's!
you and your family are so cute!
What a cute idea!! I absolutely LOOOOVE the pumpkin candle holder. Very cute.
You're so cute Marci! I love reading your blog, and your daughter is just adorable. You always have such cute, fun things on your blog to read about. Hope all is well for you guys!
Marci, come on just pick me, you wouldnt even have to spend money on postage. Love ya!
How cute are you you! October IS fabulous - but shouldn't we (your readers) be sending YOU gifts for your b-day and new mommy-hood?
Still...I hope we win. xoxo
Marci we love you and your little family and I love reading about you guys! yay for your birthday month!
Hi Marci dear! I had to enter. Your blog is one of my favs.
I love reading your blog- you always say something to bring a smile to my face. And I love being able to feel like we can keep in touch even though we're across the country! Love you friend!
I am so happy that I am related to you! You are seriously one of the most fabulous girls that I know.
But wait.... October = Halloween.... what is little Ellie dressing into this year?
I love giveaways. Congrats on all of your milestones. I love your new header too. And, if you don't want to print the names, cut them up, etc. you can google "random number generator" and the computer will pick it for you- it's easier!
You are too cute! I love reading your blog! Thanks for the cute comment on my meltdown post! I love fall, just like you!
Marci, you crack me up! I love it! I'll just be praying it's me that wins.. afterall, we are like kindred spirits... it would only be right. BUT.. if you must go on luck of the draw alone, I guess I can deal. :-) Just kidding! I love you tons. We need to hang out soon!
Marce, you are too cute!!!!!
Girlfriend, we REALLY need to get together!!!!!!!
Ha ha Marci you are a crack up. I love it. We reaaaally need to get together. I'm allergic to peanut M&Ms but I couldn't help but still comment on your awesomeness! And we LOVE October too, especially Halloween!
Fine, you can pick me. We can meet somewhere in the middle and eat the M&M's together. And more importantly we can finally let our children meet.
Your blog is definitely one of my favorites to read! I love it. PS Apparantly my cousin who lives in California is dating your cousin. I think his name is Eric but I have the worst memory ever so I could be way off. Anyway, hope you are doing great!
I would like to win. I hope I pick me, it's the cheapest solution. You're amazing! I love you
I'm in! Thanks for blogging!
Man am I glad I checked your blog tonight...I totally want in on this action. I think that is so awesome that you are doing a giveaway just for kicks...it seriously rules. In other news, I'm sad that you probably will never attend playgroup since we usually meet in the middle of the day...but we do ladies' nights every once in a while so I will make sure to get involved in that! Also, I'm keeping your name on the playgroup email list just in case the stars align one of these days and you can actually come to one. Cheers.
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