I know some people think i'm so juvenile for my interest in the reality tv industry...and not just any reality tv program...but the all-encompassing reality experience, definitive of all others...American Idol. The fact that this show has a deeply-juvenile following became even more apparent to me after the most entertaining of concert experiences, American Idols Live, that Mike and I attended on Thursday. We were surrounded on each side by kids and teenagers...and at one point, I started to feel a little silly. And then i thought to myself, why in the world do i care what other people think? I truly, thoroughly enjoy American Idol. It rocks! Sure, Sanjaya creeps the bajeezies out of me, Jordin is a magnificent singer...but "like totally" immature, and Hailey is quite scandalous....but I enjoy their creepiness...and I enjoy the fact of knowing that this music experience gives every-day normal humans the wonderful opportunity of creating something magical that other every-day normal humans can be a part of in their very-own homes. It's exhilarating for me. So we went to the concert! It was a BLAST! There are two things that I love so much about these concerts. 1. They are truly the people you became so fond of and attached on the tv in your very own home! They sing just as good (even BETTER), they look just the same (even prettier/handsomer), they entertain just as much, and they are the same normal humans they once were! 2. I love that they haven't come out with any obscure singles that you've never heard of...so they just sing all the greatest hits of all time from stars like the Beatles, Whitney Houston and Christina Aguilera, making it so that its really one giant sing-a-long. Probably my favorite part was when Blake, the amazingly talented beat-boxer, went center-stage accompanied only by one of those crazy looper contraptions and a guitar. He recorded his voice to sound like the base-line and the percussion, and whatever else and actually sang over it "She will be loved" by Maroon 5. I would buy that record! It's mind boggling how he does the thing he does. Other highlights included the impersonation of Lakeesha as some french floosies in "Lady Marmalade" from Moulin Rouge (which also included Gina and Hailey....which was actually kind of freaky because they really filled the part well), Melinda, Gina, Lakeesha and Hailey in "Aint no other man but you" by Christina Aguilera, all the boys creating the first ever "idol band" including Chris S, Chris, Sanjaya, Blake, and Phil....Gina being Faith Hill and Phil being Tim McGraw singing "It's your love"...the list goes on and on and on.
Mike and I kept turning to each other...and saying, "Is this for real!? Are we really this close? For a mere $50 total!?" I honestly felt like we had robbed a bank and gotten away with it or something... it was such a fun experience to be a part of. I will wear my pink wrist band that allowed me on that floor with pride until it creates some horrible tan-line...or it gets infested with bacteria, whichever comes first.
1 comment:
Ok soI'm pathetic, I just found your blog on facebook and read the whole dang thing. You've been holding out on me. I didn't know you blogged. I actually love it and feel a little bit caught up on your life. I MISS YOU FRIEND!
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