So, I am so psyched about this awesome steal of a deal I found this weekend... you're not going to believe it. Before I let you know what my steal of a deal is, I'm going to have to divulge another one of my beyond-weird crazy obsessions: I'm an American Idol freak. It all started about 8 years ago. It was my Sophomore year of High School. I was in my "Glory Days." My buddies, JMHC and Shay showed up one lonely dreary Tuesday with a bag of chips and said, "We heard your mom makes good salsa." So, we brought the chips into my kitchen, pulled out some of the authentic goods, and began to eat. Well, this night caused a revolution. It evolved into being what we now reminiscently refer to as "Fiesta Night." All through my high school experience, there was always an open invitation to all to come to my house on Tuesday Nights for the acclaimed Fiesta Night, with the condition that my mom would provide the secret recipe of authentic salsa as long as the friends would bring the chips. Well, my Senior Year came along, and some new-comers decided Fiesta Night sounded pretty cool (who wouldn't?) Unbeknownst to me, Tuesday Night Fiesta Night shared domain with AMERICAN IDOL, which was rapidly gaining fame in its second season (featuring stars like CLAY AIKEN (ahhh!) ). So I thought, what the heck? We can dip and watch at the same time! So we did. And, well, I was hooked. It was love at first sight. We didn't miss a single week! And if we had to for whatever reason, we'd video tape it (this was pre-tivo days, fyi). The summer following that season, my friends and I made sure to hit up the American Idols Concert. And let me tell you what: it was so hot, rockin, rollin, and entertaining! I loved it! It was so good that I promised myself I'd go every year.
Well, it's now 5 years after that blessed season and I haven't gone to a single concert since...UNTIL NOW. Back to my steal of a deal: So, Friday i was on ebay, feeding my addiction instilled by my hubby, and stumbled across American Idol tickets. I decided to look at them, not because I thought I could afford them (because in my mind, there could not possibly be any tickets left that i would be able to afford, nor that i would want to afford, being that they would surely only be in the nosebleed section) but because i thought, Man, I wish I could go. Minutes later, I realized the price read $49.00 for TWO! Not only this, the tickets were on the floor row 15! I was shocked!! I immediately called up the Mr. and told him, dude, get the plastic out, we're going to see Jordan, Blake and Melinda!!! So this is my steal, of which I'm proud to be the benefactor of...and of which I CANNOT WAIT TO ATTEND! I can't stop singing "Shot through the heart, but you're too late, baby you give love a b- b- b- b- ba- bad name...."
1 comment:
I remember "Fiesta Night" I miss it actually!:) Fun times!
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