Tuesday, November 22, 2011

gratitude snippets: day 2

today i am grateful for my body.

there are lots of random thoughts i've had about it this morning. sure, it is ever-changing and ever-aging these days. it does not look like it did when i was 18. i have stretch-marks, blemishes, scars, and flabby skin in unflattering places. i have gimpy fingers, and i bruise wayyy more easily than i used to. my once perky boobs are now deflated and small. and if i'm being honest, i feel like i am always determined to exercise more and eat right-er to lose that infamous last 5 (or 10) pounds. but my body is wonderful. some reasons why:

i can go on a run pretty much whenever i want (well, when my kids cooperate). i am no professional, marathon runner- but i love going on runs. they are my holy place. and i am so grateful for my healthy knees, my strong heart, and my willing feet that can carry me through this hobby.

somehow, my body created and delivered 2 healthy babies. this thought never ceases to amaze me. i cannot believe that our bodies can perform such a miracle. and every time i really look into the eyes of my little girls, i remember what a huge blessing it is that my body could do that.

now that my babies aren't so young, i often get a full-nights' sleep. i know some peoples' bodies don't allow them to do this. i am a very grouchy person when i am sleep-deprived, and so i am so grateful for the many nights of rest that my body (and my girls) allow me to get.

amazingly, i have been able to nurse both babies as long as i wanted to. but truth-be-told, i am also grateful to be done nursing and to get my body back (hallelujah!) just last Friday (a little more than a week ago), Alice had her last feeding. i admit, i was the one who needed to be weaned, not Alice. you see, she's become such a wiggly, active thing...she's just much too busy for me and my snuggles anymore...and i was too stubborn to give them up. until finally i did, and now i am doing a happy dance. unfortunately my boobs were weaned along with Alice (meaning, they are shriveled little grapes...not even big enough to be called raisins)- but it is so wonderful to now not have someone needing some part of my body multiple times a day. i am also grateful to not be ravenously hungry like i was when i was nursing. and i am grateful to be able to wear a big push-up bra (without worrying it will punch alice in the face while feeding) to cover-up the effects of 2 children. because even though i am grateful for my body, it doesn't mean i am not well-aware of its flaws.



Jenny said...

i love this. i have been tempted on multiple occasions to blog about my boobs and how i can't fit into any of my old bras anymore. but i guess i need to invest in some better push-up bras!

bodies really are amazing. good post!

Allie said...

This made me laugh. Right there with you. Except for the being done with nursing part for which I envy you. Almost, almost. I'm thankful for healthy, every changing, hormone crazed, healthy bodies too!

Jessica said...

I hear you on the raisins! LOL I don't remember being this small after nursing my 1st baby. Do they get smaller each time?? :O I can understand why so many moms get a little lift when they're done having babies!