tonight i am grateful for family home evening.

{photo taken by Harlow Photography}
well, a couple of months ago, i had an epiphany that i was not excluded from our prophet's counsel to have family nights. I decided that i was being a lazy-butthead, and our family could really benefit from gospel-centered lessons. we needed some good family time. and we needed to teach more about Jesus and the stories from the scriptures, rather than just assuming the girls would be fine and learn it eventually.
so we started having family night. we started with coming up with Family Rules. and one of them was to have family night every week. we haven't missed since. it makes me feel so happy to type that.
Alice loves it. she squeals and dances and marches around the whole time. Ellie loves it! she loves the scriptures. she loves singing the songs. she loves our special treats that we only get on Monday nights.

she even mimics FHE on other nights and pretends to give us lessons and do activities.
i feel a little ashamed by my lack of faith and obedience in following the little things -- specifically in having family night -- because for us it has turned into such a big thing- such an incredible blessing. sure, the lessons are usually simple, and we get easily side-tracked...but i promise, our family has already grown closer and created new memories...and its only been a couple of months! and i guess i realize that in not having FHE, we were just withholding blessings from ourselves. which is silly, no?

so tonight, i'm grateful for FHE. and hope we keep it a family tradition forever and ever.
So cute marci! You're such a great example. I will no longer just say I want to do FHE, I WILL do it! Thank you! ~Riley
you're awesome. i love that cute little gratitude tree. especially the ice cream life with a visual :)
NOTHING~ NOTHING~ NOTHING compares to the JOY a parent feels when they know their children LOVE the Lord and His ways.! Once again, " my cup runneth over". xoxoxox MUCHO~ MUCHO~ MUCHO.
See you MaƱana.
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