a long while.
shame on me, since she is my world, my life and my joy these days.
i have to admit, having a little baby-toddler-person is a ton of work....but it also is soo magical in so many ways. my favorite reason is that you really get to rediscover life again (while the little one discovers the world for the first time). it makes you appreciate the little things...things that seem so amazing from those innocent (but feisty...curious...and sometimes crazy) eyes.
with that said, here are some of E's most recent discoveries:
{slight disclaimer: you may assume from these pictures that i only dress her in one shirt...or that these were all taken on the same day. both assumptions are false. thank you.}
the first three have to do with her new-found-mobility....which is arguably her most impressive, influential discovery of the last year of her life...

walking while holding things:

chasing after things:

the carousel:
(which freaked her out at first...but then she quite enjoyed herself...especially since she got to wave at dadda, gammy, aunt courtney, and bapa}

gammy's turtle:

an explosion of words...including (but not limited to):
- mama
- dadda
- hi
- buh-bye
- night-night
- more
- ball
- yummmm
- dog
- cat
- duck
- bapa (grandpa)
- miiimiii (my sista)
- baaaabbbyyy
- NO!
- soofffttt
- book
- and the most recent, sweeeet

cute boys:

kissing cute boys:

making cute boys blush because of an overly zealous kiss:

and other cute friends:
what it feels like to get a wedgie:
adoring babies...especially her cousin rosalie:
eating real food (all the time):

folding her arms to pray (melts my heart)(when i get a picture of it, i will post it)
swimming pools (water or no water....equally fun):

seeing aunt mimi and saying with the most adoration you could ever imagine: miiiimiiiii

reading books ALL THE TIME

making animal noises:
the heat:
how to make any family photo op impossible:

{and she screams incessantly the whole time i'm knotting those rubber bands...and quite frankly, it brings back disturbing childhood-hair memories...poor lil thing)

burying dadda with all of the babies at gammy's and bapa's house:

how to make the touch-down signal (you can just imagine how proud this makes her dadda):

and the most recent favorite discovery.....drummroolllllll....
the zoo:

and so, my one-year-old has just only begun to discover the world...
and i've just begun to discover how much love i could have for another little person.
stay tuned for many more discoveries to come.
Wow, Marci...Just my favorite post of all time. I can't even handle how adorable Ellie is. There are no words.
Like I always say, your posts are just great to read and always brighten my day. This was no exception.
I hope my little Emerie is half as cute as Ellie is! {I think she's pretty darn cute...but you get the compliment. :)}
Oh how I love that little Ellie girl. She is so dang cute & so smart! I can't believe how many words she knows! I'm thinking that we should set up an arranged marriage between her and "bubba" because then we will have a firm future of remaining friends :) I think Bryant is quite taken with her already.
Anyway, going to hit up Barnes & Noble today. I'll give you a holler :)
okay i was eating my breakfast while reading this and almost died choking when i saw the wedgie picture.. hilarious! ellie is so adorable.. i need to meet her!!!
I love your little E! She is so darling! It was so fun seeing you guys last weekend. It had been too long. Love ya Marce!
What a cute post. I LOVE updates of E! She is the cutest thing I have ever seen!
And there you have it! This was better than eating a sinful snack! Thank You for such a treat of a post. Are you coming to the airport to welcome Mario on Tburs. a.m.? I would love it if you could. Dad cannot come because he will be in OC. Let me know?
Can't wait to see you this weekend. Are you ready to take on a house, dog, plants and Ellie and all that? Hope it's not too much for you!!!
I love you!
I love your Ellie posts! She is so adorable and I loved to see the world through her eyes!
Marci, I adore your posts about little E! And her pigtails are so cute. I can tell she is the center of your life, and she should be.
When do you move to the Bay? Does Mike start work soon?
I just stumbled upon your blog...
Your little girl is so cute! She looks just like you.
So so so cute! and the pigtails are worth the wiggling for sure! Loved this post.
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