and i'm not very good at it.

i'm blogging while hanging out with hubby + E, while giving E a bath, while thinking about american idol and how much i hate that Kris had a bad night...
i know.
please tell me you do this too.
all this multi-tasking is leading to many unfinished (or procrastinated) projects.
i just posted a blog post entitled "unfinished projects"... from march. i was going to blog about unfinished projects but never finished it. now that's ironic.
other unfinished projects:
- wedding album (still)
- Kindergarten Books (which need to be finished by Thursday)
- buying a wedding gift for this weekend's wedding of one of my bf's, Mere
- organizing and putting away E's grown-out clothes (i just BARELY took out her 6 months clothes on Sunday. it was very sad. and when i say "i took them out," i mean, i just folded them and put them in a bag in her closet with the rest of her clothes. let's just say her closet is getting pre-tty full.)
- etc, etc, etc. (aka: the list is depressingly long, and i'll just stop there)
i've learned the way to get through hectic times is to live by a countdown. deadlines. makes it all go by...faster?
in fact, remember just under a year ago, living by the ultimate countdown. the countdown to motherhood. whoa. i had a little ticker that said something like "29 days to go." i remember thinking each day, 29 days, i can do this. 28 days, i can do this. little did i know that at 0 days, i couldn't do it anymore and i was still doing it. i'm contradicting myself now with the whole countdown thing. but really, it does keep me sane.
for example:
- 3 days till one of my oldest, sweetest friends gets married. i love weddings. i love things like this to look forward to.
- 17 school days left (singing "celebrate good times, COME ON! let's celebrate") which means:
- only 17 days till SUMMER BREAK and EARLY RETIREMENT and being a MOM, 100%.
- 1 month till i receive my teaching license- FINALLY!
- 37 days till E turns 1 (what!?)
- 2 months till my favorite holiday, the 4th of July (pow pow! (that's the sound of fireworks))
- 3 1/2 months till we MOVE (sniff, sniff). which means packing. good-byes. heart ache. change. new friendships. packing (i can't help not being overwhelmed by the thought of PACKING...and packing tape. and bubble wrap. and all that jazz.).
wow. craziness.
what are you counting down to?? if you're not counting down to anything...i encourage you to find something. it's fun. you'll see. and maybe it will keep you sane. or maybe it will make you even crazier than before.
who knows.
Marce, I'll tell you what I'm counting down to: a baby!! My doctor thought I definitely would have delivered by now... you know how depressing that can be :( I wake up every morning and think, "Well, could today be the day??" Only to lie my head on my pillow that night, infant-less! It makes me think of your hilarious induction video you did last year; of which I'm glad you did and proved that NOTHING really works so I don't have to give it a go myself! Thanks for taking care of that for me! Guess I'll just keep sitting around and waiting...and waiting... :) -Brooke
Um, I'm not really counting down to anything. Maybe Mother's day since this will be my first ligitimate one... and I'm totally excited about my mom's gift we are giving her. Um...I will help you pack!! I'm serious!! I'd love to see you before you leave and I'd love to meet {yes meet cuz I've never met her} Ms. E and I'd love to help in any way...let me know!! 801-815-9825 Love ya, darling!!!
I have one major countdown...3 years until Josh is done with school! Wow. its seems like its never going to be here!! I love your posts. Miss you tons!
I am counting down to the end of the school year! 14 day for me!!! Then it is mommy time!
cute pictures. and i LOVE the countdowns. you have a lot to look forward to.
I am also sad Kris didn't do so well last night- ahh, I really like him!
I know packing is scary- it's no fun.... but start now. Little by little, one box at a time. That's what works better for me, because once I got all of the boxes out and everything out of the cupboards it freaked me out big time. So, go to the things you know you wont need. Start pulling things off the walls sooner than later... and label your boxes well, it'll help when it comes time to unpack. Just a few things that helped me...
I'm counting down the days for Jeffy to be done with school, a trip to UT (maybe I'll be able to see you and meet your darling E, that would make me smile!), a trip to CA and a trip to Nicaragua! :)
Day and a half before I get to see you and Ellie! Besitos!
Marce- thank you for always being so entertaining, uplifting and motivational.
Let me just tell you, I love to read your blogs. It makes me feel much better to know that I'm not the only one like me. I too was sad that Kris had a bad night last night, I'm nearly certain he is my favorite. But he was safe tonight which totally made me get up and do a happy dance! (I'm sure the baby liked that!)
I too must thank you for your hilarious induction video from last year. I have 2 months left until this baby comes and I'm so miserable in this pregnant body that I hope he comes at the end of June. But, I can't really count on that so instead I continue my countdown until I'm due. In some ways it helps.. and it gives me some new things to count down about- how many days left to have the nursery put together, to have the closet painted, etc. I'm sure my husband will be happy for the new list of things to do before July. ;)
Anyway, thanks again for blogging. It really makes a lot of peoples day to hear about yours.
Marci, you are hilarious! Just wait until you've got 2 kids, and are freakishly pregnant with your third! You'll get to the point where you're cooking, cleaning, talking, blogging, kissing owies, disciplining screaming kids, all at the same time! We're definitely on the countdown to baby #3. 70 days to go! Plus we're taking the kiddos on a surprise Disneyland mini-vay on Monday, and so that's something to look foreward to!
four months till i escape the heat of texas. is it bad that i'm already counting and have been here three days?
So many fun things to count down to. I remember when my life was full of so many things to do that I could hardly keep up and all that young energy that kept me thinking of more and more things that I wanted to do. Life works out just right because now I couldn't even begin to do all of those things, but it's okay because I don't have all of those things to do. Life is slower, calmer and very sweet. Heavenly Father sure knows what he is doing doesn't He?
Hey, how about Idol this week. Chris got to stay. I am happy. I can't believe Alison went home, but I would have felt the same about any of them. They are all so good this year.
2 1/2 months till baby number two is here (hooray/yikes/hooray) and only 8 days until I get to have fun in the sun with you (hooray/hooray/hooray)! Thanks to Davis for coming into town so I can have an excuse to track you down. Can't wait to catch up!
Marce~ Just so you know I found moving out of state was one of the most incredible experiences I could have ever possibly had during this lifetime:) the church, you name it; is so profoundly & wonderfully different!
cute cute pics! Good way to think about things. Looking forward to something keeps me sane so I can definitely relate. Current countdown...7 days till 1st camping trip of the year. Kind of nervous for that one. See you sunday!
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