a few weeks ago, my friend d-dawg had a "de-lurking day" on her blog.
now, i've been thinking about doing a de-lurking day since then...and i think today is the day. my blogging spirits need some boosts and i need to be inspired again.
i know, i know, you're asking yourself this:
what the heck is a de-lurking day??
well, friends, i'm glad you asked. a de-lurking day is basically where you come out from the commenting closet and leave a comment on my blog...even if you're a regular...or even if you have never commented before. c'mon, i'd love to hear from you! you can tell me who you are. how did you find me? why do you read my blog? do you have a colicky baby? do you have trouble making it to the gym, too? maybe you wanna say, remember that one time at that one place when we did that one thing....or maybe you remember how silly me and M were in our inducing video. or maybe, just maybe, you wanna say "hi, shalom, and hola." anything will do, really. like my friend d-dawg said back then, i just need to know that you're there...and i need to feel the blogging love.
thank you.
Well Marce, I am flattered to leave the first comment! At the job I have I am on the computer all day, so I frequently visit your blog to brighten my day. Seriously... you are hilarious! I think your little family is darling and I hope all is well :)
you'll never believe this, but i was just thinking about delurking anyway! i've been reading your blog of about a year {wowza, that long?!?} and remember waiting anxiously for you to have your cute baby! i feel like we are real friends..and love reading what you have to say! so it's about time i came out and introduced myself! my name is allisen and i stumbled across your blog so long ago, i can't remember how it happened, but i couldn't stop reading! i went to BYU too, so i'm sure that's where the connection came from. i think we have mutual friends on facebook? who knows.
whew, this feels so good..check out my blog and say hello, if you'd like! thanks for being such a cute mom/writer!!
Hi, I don't mind de-lurking...since you asked special : ) I found you blog on D-Dawg's awhile back and read a post about how you were trying to induce labor? I think it was you? Anyway, I thought that was funny so I added you to my google reader!
I'm a lurker.
I totally read every word you write! Love you!
Oh me too. So, my little sis is friends with your little sis. Apparently every day in their Spanish class, they go to the computer and check my blog and your blog together. My sister told me how cute you are and how I had to start reading your blog. I've been a faithful reader ever since! Love your little family!
Did you ever watch Rainbow Brite? (You probably are to young) One of the Bumbling Villians was named Lurky. Ha Ha Ha
Ok, so this was a totally inspired post. I was totally thinking about you today as i listened to my baby try and calm herself down..i only last about 3 min, and i remembered reading-On yours or ms ellie's blog about the exit of the yellow ball and when you had to go through the cry it out period... So as i remembered you post i thought about you and i was going to facebook email you an SOS, or leave a comment on your blog. :D Please tell me there is hope in the screaming baby period. :D Anyways... This is my delurking. I love your Blog.. and you to death. Hope everything is great.. Your E is Beautiful! It makes me so excited for B to get bigger. (But im still enjoying the baby parts.. screams and all)
we taught at Pony Express last year - I was down the hall in 2nd grade. I've been reading your blog for awhile and it just makes me happy. I look forward to a new post from you because your cheerfulness is contagious!
you really do write great posts. I try to comment here and there
I'm here Marci! I look at your blog every day and love it! You're still the same fun girl I knew and loved 12 years ago when we met :) It's fun being able to keep in touch with you still by reading about your daily adventures and seeing all those darling pictures of your sweet little Ellie. Thanks for updating your blog so frequently!
Marce, you got me, I'm coming out of the closet! I read your blog! FJH, I used to be at the Parkhursts with Lindi ALL the time, Jeff and Sean, oh yeah and I love Linda!! I guess you could say we are acquainted!! Your daughter is beautiful and you are such a good writer! Your blog is fantastic!
I totally sneak a peak at your blog! You are so darling.
Oh, and in case you didn't know... this is McCall (Morgan) Newland
i'm here. but you know that.
Though I would never in a million years want to go back to high school, I would like to be friends and hang out with you again.
So I found your blog through some of my other blogging friends and I think the first post I read of yours was that hilarious video of you right before you had your baby and I felt your pain! I've been hooked ever since. E is one of the most adorable babies I have ever seen! We were in the same high school class but I don't believe we ever met...but i came out of the blogging closet and will continue to enjoy your blog!
I think we have gone to school since forever but never really known each other. And yes I do have a colicky baby and I can never make it to the gym.
Hi Marcie - Your little girl is adorable! Love the Easter pictures and her dress and I love the glitter toes! How fun to have your sister come and stay over. I wish my sisters would do that.
Of the blogs that I read, yours is my absolute favorite. You are just so entertaining and real. You make us all feel like we're your friends. Keep up the blogging, please.
Marce, you are adorable... I sincerely love how you write- don't stop!! You crack me up and there a a few days that I need cracked! Love ya!
Okay I'll come out too. I went to High School with you {I think} and I came across your blog through a friend's. I think you're so cute so I read whenever you have a new post. :)
ok.. i check you blog quite often. ... :) always enjoyable..
i check it everyday!! i always long for the day when we can hang out again, like the good old days...
sigh...why does provo seem so far away?
Hey! I check in to see your cute baby and what creativeness you have come up with for the day. You never fail to have something fun to read.
My name is Tiffany. I grew up with Mark in California. I think you have a beautiful family!
Marce, I just wanted to let you know that your blog truly brightens my day and inspires me to be a better wife/mother/person! It is so fun to see what you've been up to since Jr. High (holy cow that makes me feel so old!) You have an adorable family and I hope things are going well for you.
I totally understand your pain. I feel like nobody comments these days. I feel like blogging has gone down the drain a bit. Its a sad feeling. I hope you're feelin the love today. Maybe I'll try de-lurking my blog too. :)
You're popular...we would do this, but the 3 comments we'd receive would make it feel like a waste...
top 5 reasons i read your blog.
1. i miss your face.
2. you are doll
3. i love your baby.
4. you're oh so clever and funny
5. your new bangs
i would also like to share one of my favorite memories of you...
twas at your bridal shower and you were opening your mothers wonderful gift of 'fancy' treats and you were so embarrassed and your mom was so outrageous. i loved it.
me and your mom would be such great outrageous friends.
Hey Marci, I came across your blog through some mutual friends of ours and I've been hooked ever since! You have a gorgeous little family and you write really well. So it's a fun pick-me-up each day! We went to school together, you were a senior when i was a sophomore. You're always so cute! Anyways, hope you're feelin the blog love cuz we sure love reading yours!
-Tiffanie (Booker) Williams
*ours is private but if you want to take a peak let me know! tiffanie-williams@hotmail.com
I to am a lurker! I found your blog from Blush Photography back when you had maternity photos taken, I love it and check back often!
Always enjoy your thoughts, frustrations, pics, prides and joys!
Well, here I am! I stumbled upon your blog through a long series of blog stalking, and now I'm hooked! I love the way you write. I love all of your adventures. And I love seeing pictures of little E. She's a doll!
Hi Marcie,
I first saw your labor inducing video. I started following your blog after that because I have an Ellie too. She's about two weeks younger then yours (June 24th). I love seeing what your Ellie is up to.
You are a great writer!
Thanks, Paris
I'm coming out of the closet, too! We did go to high school together, but like Jordan, I don't think we've ever actually met. You, your baby, and your blog are all darling. I love the way you write and your love for motherhood. My blog is private, but if you want to put a face with a follower, just email me and I'll send you an invite. (madison.grunig@gmail.com)
Hey there Marci! I was just looking at Lea's blog and saw your name and thought I'd check in and see how you're doing. How's life? Are you in California now? You have a darling blog and Denise tells me all the time you are so inspiring-I agree! I hope you had a great Easter. See you later,Kristin
You hands down have the most creative blog posts i've ever read!
I love your little family; E is so adorable and I love hearing what is new in your world!
I admit I'm a lurker! We went to high school together, and had a seminary class together. I absolutely love reading your blog. Your so funny, and have an adorable family! My blog is private, but email me if you want to put a face with a name! jeffmandyagnello@gmail.com
You're so cute. I love doing the de-lurk post. I did it awhile ago and it was so fun. I hope you get some fun surprises and feel the LOVE. Your blog is so fun for all the right reasons. Have a great day!!
Get out of town am I really the 42nd person to comment?! You are so popular! Also, yes, can we please get together before you move?! Or are you gone in like 2 weeks? All I know is I am thankful for your bloggy bloggyness because I feel like you're still a part of my life...even though I haven't seen you in over a year!
I love this "de-lurking" concept! You probably have hundreds of readers Marci, you are so entertaining.
So here I go "de-lurking": Dear Marci. I am a big fan. I just wish we could play sometime before you guys move? Is there any shot of this? Luuuuurve you.
Hey! So I don't remember exactly how I found your blog - it was somewhere amongst the web of all the DHS 03 people blogs out there - but I'm sure glad I did! I love checking in and reading your delightful posts. Keep it up!
marce..i love love love your blog...only thing is it makes me miss you!!!
juholy moly chica- this delurking thing is great! :)
You know I stalk you, so no news there! But I too have a hard time making it to the gym, I love to see your little E and I love that you make me laugh so much!
Miss you friend! xoxoxo
(oh yeah, and if Chrissy does my hair and I don't like it, I tell her. With anyone else I always had a hard time, but she is really good and always does just the right thing! :)
Well happy de-lurking. I think we both know I'm an addicted Marci blog reader. I kid you not. Addicted. Love your thoughts, your soul, and your sassy new bangs. Love ya.
wow-de-lurking worked well for you! so, don't know if you remember us Oehrings from Utah, but I still read your blog regularly!
Hola. I found you the day you were born! I am your #1 Blog Stocker!
I love you,
holy canoli!!! thank you for all the love, my friends!!! how fun to hear from so many of you..and from so many new people. i promise to try to get back to each and every one of you. you all have truly made my day. how lovely my life is because of all of you.
What a great idea! I might have to do this de-lurking thing too!! Even though I'm not a lurker, I want you to know that I LOVE reading you blog. You are so cute, your little Ellie is so cute and you write so well!
Also, you are too kind to think Paige should be in a cute baby contest!! I think I might do it. Why not? And you are right, what mother doesn't think their baby is the cutest. What picture of Ellie did you send in? I'm having a hard time deciding which one of Paige to send. Any ideas? I think Ellie and Paige should be on the cover together!!!
I'm a lurker..... I too came around when you posted your inducing labor video!!! Hilarious!
I went to Davis too, I graduated in '02...did we go to school together? How embarassing that I don't remember....
Ps I'm comment #51!!!
This is Kenzie, Brooke Shaw's little sis! You always have the right thing to say to brighten my day Marci which is one reason why I love to look at your blog! Thanks for being such a positive person :)
I found your blog through Celeste's blog. I think you have a darling family and the stories you share always make me laugh!! Thanks for sharing!
I have to delurk too! I've loved getting to know you and your family.. I stumbled upon your blog through my cousin Adrienne's - she has you listed as a high school friend.
Anyways, love it when you post! Always makes me smile.
i just love love love to come back...often...and be cheered, because that's just what you do. thx for the breath of fresh air :) and here's to happy you.
So this is totally random, but my bestie Candace told me a while back that I needed to check out the cuteness of E's nursery. (Which by the way... is top notch adorable!) I knew I recognized you from somewhere, but couldn't place it. Few days later I figured it out: we were EFY buddies way back when! So hi again... maybe you'll remember me too! xoxo Rebecca
YAY for De-lurking day!!!!!!!!! I know you know I"m reading but just wanted to let you know I"m here. I've been out of it this week but I still check in on you and love your blog. Your great personality comes shining through it.
58 lovely thouhts??? are you KIDDING ME???
You know me lol.. I will use this to tell you to send me your e-mail so I can add you to my list because we are going private so fun I know : )
I'm not sure if I'm considered a lurker since I signed in to follow your blog, but I have never commented before. I think you are adorable and your blog is fun to read! I saw your blog on a friend's and I decided to take a look one day. Ever since then I have been reading in every now and then.
We love your blog! My mom (your dad's Aunt Mary)sent me the link last year...passed on from your Grandma Hartley.
My teenage girls and I enjoy reading your blog. You're such a cute, young LDS mom and a great example to my girls!!
first of 62 comments?!?! that is impressive!! I can't get passed 9. I will never forget the time we figured out how we knew each other (thru Carly). And then that you were dating, then marrying, my good old friend Chappy!! Awww...
LOVE your blog! Its cute! And funny.
you're too cute marci! i told you a few comments back that i take a peek from time to time. i love reading your blog. i need to get latoya on this thing...maybe soon. anyway, i love the delurking idea. enjoy the weekend!!! :)
wow...so I'm a little behind on commenting and look how many comments...will mine even be read??? Well I hope you know that I adore your blog, you, Mike and Ms. E. I love reading about you guys and your adventures in life! What a cute family you have!! I truly wish I could meet Ms. E and see you before you move...I'll even drive to Provo:) Have a wonderful day. Congrats on being a new aunt!!
!!!Marci!!! I can't believe I haven't let you know that I love your blog!! You are a talented writer and know how to express life experiences in an entertaining and fun way. I have linked your blog on mine because I think everyone should read your blog! If you don't want me to link it - let me know! Hope the teaching is still going well for you:)
A little slow but I do love to keep up with what you guys are doing. Thanks for the great blog.
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