let's just pray i'm not going to lose my 7,500 pictures of Ellie i have on it.
*tear streams down face.*
i can't think about it.
well, while my computer's been sick, ellie turned 8 months old. much to my dismay, she did NOT listen to me when she turned 7 months and just kept on growing. and changing. and melting my heart with every moment. it's getting harder and harder to leave her sweet face every day. especially now that she reaches out and says "mama" as i walk out the door.
why do i feel like a horrible person for leaving every day?
how i ache to be home.
but i am so grateful for M for making it possible for me to be at work. i honestly don't know how we'd make it if i wasn't doing this. we make such a great team. even if he makes me bonkers when he doesn't voluntarily take out the trash. (for more info on his view of this ordeal, read his most recent blog post here). but i love him. even if i don't show him enough...but instead show him more often how crazy he makes me...i love him. so much it hurts. he's the perfect daddy to our Ellie, and the perfect husband for crazy 'ol me.
so, while my computer receives emergency surgery, i leave you with this sweet picture of little Ellie i found on M's computer- i think she was about 2 or 3 weeks here. such a wiggly creature she's always been. i love how it looks like she's putting a spell on the world- and in my opinion, the last 8 months, she truly has bewitched me and M...and all of the people in her little world.

I hope you dont lose your pictures either! That would break my heart! You should totally buy an external hard drive and back everything up!! I back up all my pictures every other week or once a month at least!! I cant bear to think that I might lose them all...scary scary!! Good luck! Look how little she was...so cute!!
I just read your husband's blog post, and we have that trash can in the picture! haha.. I didn't comment on his blog since I don't know him, but tell him I don't think he's a bad husband. I sympathize because Brock is the one that always remembers to take out the trash here, and I feel bad that it's not something I think about.
Such a cute post. Sweet.
Hope your computer is okay!
And I can't believe your little girl is 8 months either- I swear you were just making your hilarious video for her to come!
You are such a sweet family!
Oh My Goodness! Computers can't get sick! That's awful! I missed playing with you and Ellie this week, but I am so glad that she got to see her Grandma and Grandpa Chapman, She is adored, that is for sure! Happy 8th Month Ellie Bella!
Happy Valentine's Day to the two of you. You are truely " perfect" for each other! Abrazotes y besos!
Your little Ellie is so Adorable!
Puting a spell on the world or practicing her tai chi? Either way, she is amazing.
Hey! This is Kristy Sevy from freshman year in the dorms. I love your blog!! Your little girl is so cute! I just started a blog for my photography and baby items. Also, I will have ideas and tips so anyone can make girly items... like tutus and bows. We definitely need to be blog buddies!
Hi Marci! This is Mandy Meyer Cox. I just found your blog, I hope it's ok. Your girl is beautiful!! How fun! She really is so cute. It sounds like you're doing well. Kindergarten huh?!?! WOW! I am so impressed....honestly, my Mom has been substituting for a Kindergarten teacher for a month. I visited her today and I admire all teachers so much! I don't know how you do it. I don't think I could ever have the patience teachers have. Anyway. You can check out my blog if you'd like. I hope your computer feels better soon.
I'm sorry about your computer. That reminds me... I need to get backups of all our pics.
I know what you mean about wanting to be home. We're in the same boat. (Except I'm only working 20 hours a week at most...) I'm dying to be a full time stay-at-home mom again!
I just have to tell myself that it won't be long and Garrit will be done with school and then I'll probably get sick of being home and want to go back to work again :)
How long does M have left?
I'm praying for your family. I hope your grandpa pulls through.
Take care!
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