yesterday my baby Ellie turned 5 months old.
5 months!
time is such a weird thing. because in some ways i feel like she has been in our lives forever...that i never really was pregnant (though while i was pregnant i remember thinking, does this have an end?)...and that she never was one of those itty bitty babies that i see my friends posting pictures of on their blogs.
but then, i has gone by so quick. she is so big. she is changing so much. she is so fun. and, somehow, each day...even when i thought it was impossible to love her any more than i did the day before...i do. is my heart growing? it feels like the love is going to burst out of it.
so i decided, there are five months worth of things that Ellie no particular order:
she loves to stare. like this:
she loves baby einstein...STILL.
she loves her exersaucer.
she loves to do this high pitch scream thing. no, she's not crying. it's like she's talking in an excited way or something.
she loves to suck her thumb...STILL.
she loves suckin on her toes...which is adorable- except during a diaper change.
she LOVES bath time...and doesn't understand that SHE's the one who keeps turning/dunking her face in the water...NOT ME.
she loves her family. gammy, gampa, grandma & grandpa c, aunts & uncles. even though it takes her a minute or two to warm up, she adores all the love an attention she gets.
she can't sit STILL. always kicking her legs...onthe floor, in the bath, in the bjorn, in the exersaucer...ALWAYS movin'.
she loves to put anything and everything in her mouth.
she loves to close to crawling. you can see it in her face that she feels so proud of herself with her mobility.
she loves to hang out in the bjorn..i think she'd stay there all day. it's like you can see her learning as she watches the world around her. which leads me to the final thing:
she loves to be curious. she IS so curious. always observing people..and the world around her.
and there's so much to love about Ellie...and it's time to share some of them. in no particular order:
i love her cheeks. i want to eat them. seriously. we used to have these really awesome neighbors who had the cutest little boy they called "Buddas." Buddas was a chunky little guy with the most edible cheeks ever. his mom and dad always talked about how they wanted to roast him and barbeque him and eat him up. a Buddas feast would be delicious, they'd say. well, i now understand. i want sautee her, roast her, barbeque her and double fry her. those cheeks are triple scrumptious.
i love her smile. M and i will do just about anything for a smile...from singing ridiculous songs (over and over and...over), to contorting our faces in ways that are obscene...and could most definitely be used for blackmail if ever caught on camera, to exerting every muscle possible to toss, turn, tickle and jumble little E in hopes of a glimmer of a lifted corner lip. her smile melts my heart over and over.
i love how she knows us. she knows M- flails and throws her arms around when she hears his voice...will sit in his lap forever, stare at him with her nose on his as if to say, "you're my best friend, daddy." she knows me- smiles so big when i walk through that door after work and say her name, touches my face and caresses my arm while i feed her as if to say "thank you mommy," and giggles at all my silly faces, tickles, and songs. sigh.
i love her personality. yes, she's got tons of it. i thought i wouldn't sense any hint of personality until 6 months. wrong, Wrong, WRONG. she has more personality than me, for heavens sakes. she is feisty, she is funny, she is opinionated...and she is absolutely darling.
and's to five more wonderful months (and then some!) with my sweet little Ellie bear. hopefully next time i'll be able to say how much i love the way you sleep through the night (please tell me this isn't wishful thinking...).
*wow, sorry for the mega long post...and the anthology of pictures. i guess you could say i got a little bit carried away...*
Ellie is one adorable baby, and it is hard to picture you loving anymore than you did when they first came. But you do with every moment, you love them more, i think mom's heart do "grow". And what was inconceivable before charlotte was here was to think I could love another child as much as I do Emma, but again you do, its amazing so just watch out, you will never be without the love you need for your children. We miss Ellie thanks for all the pics she is such a gorgeous girl!
i just love her gorgeous face! it is edible.
How cute! What a precious little girl! I loved learning more about her and seeing such cute pictures! She is beautiful!
Invite us to that BBQ!!! My Dear M& M & E: How you feel about her is how we feel about you, never forget that! She is now added to our list of favorite souls! We would sautee, simmer and BBQ any of you, any given day! Of course babies and children are extra, extra scrumptious ! NO doubt.
Our hearts are a lot bigger than we all think. They were always big... the LORD just gives us experiences to keep on " loving" ... imagine if we learned to LOVE everyone that way! The world would be grand! " And" ... the world "is" a better place thanks to all you wonderful young MOMS who raise more loving people! Congratulations to you Marci, and all you MOMS who love a lot!
Hugs, Kisses,
Your Ol'
What a cute post! It really does seem like yesterday that you Ellie was born and I was reading about it...Ha ha. What a great tribute, and what a cute little girl!
how sweet this is! I can't believe she's 5 months either, seems like I was just cracking up and watching your video trying to get her to greet the world! :) Although I don't have a little one of my own yet, I know exactly what you mean about feeling like they've always been in the family, yet you can't believe how the time has past. And that you really, seriously want to eat their cheeks! That's how it is with Tiff's kids- it's crazy how fast they grow! Little Ellis is adorable, I can't believe how much she looks like you. I can't wait until I get to give her a big hug and kiss her loveable cheeks! Miss you!
Marci you're going to love these posts as she gets older! I can't wait to meet and squeeze her in person someday. When do you guys move out here?
Oh my gosh! You're making me want a little one, and trust me I don't... yet.
She is just so stinking cute. I agree on the cheeks. Those things are so big and bubbalicious.
You and Mike make great parents and your family of three is adorable!
What a sweet post! Ellie is so beautiful and getting so old! I am glad you are loving the journey of being a parent... your words and pictures show you adoration for your sweet girl and your and Mike's love of being a parent! :)
Congrats on 5 amazing months and a ton of fun moments to come.
We're thinking of you and happy for you.
-The Ebberts
Thanks for all the pics. We love to see little Ellie. Just don't eat her before we meet her!
PS - we changed our blog url to
Thanks for sharing your adorable little Ellie with us!!!
I agree, I agree, I agree. Very adorable pictures. I wish I could kiss those cheeks too. Pretty soon though.
She is so dang cute Marce!! 5 months crazy crazy!! My baby turned 5 weeks...I swear my pregnancy didnt go as fast as he is growing!! I adore your little one she really is adorable and I love seeing the pictures of her:)
She is so sweet! I found your blog through a fellow Dart, and just wanted to say how sweet she is and how wonderful it is that such memories can be made for her, what a wonderful world (sometimes)!
she is so cute. they grow so fast... my kids were never tiny little babies either.
i just love it...all. happy 5 months!
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