yes, it's true. ell's and i have been feelin' pretty dang crappy the last few days.
M has been so sweet takin care of his girls:
bringin' home soup.
stayin' home on a friday night...instead of going to the byu basketball season opener...just to be with us.
and of course...since there's nothing better to do when you're couped up all day...rearranging furniture and wall-hangings.
how did i get so lucky to find him?
and while we have been in for three days straight...trying to rest...i still feel exhausted.
i think i'm going to go open a new box of tissues.
aaaaahhhhh cheeewwww!
(no worries- i'm not contagious via blogger)
bless you.
Sorry! Is there anything I can do? Humidify, Hot Showers, Lot's of Fluids ( including warm soups) and plenty of rest! Are you almost over it? I have been a little sick as well. Agh! Winter! Hang in there!
Thanks Mike for taking such good care of the girls!
I'm sorry you have been sick Marce! I hope you and Ellie feel better soon. We missed seein' ya on Friday. Call me of you need anything.
I hope that you and your little one get over your colds soon! Take Care.
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