it’s been one of those weeks.
one of those weeks that dragged and dragged and dragged.
one of those weeks where you feel sad and happy and lonely and excited and energized and exhausted all at the same time.
one of those weeks where you realize that the phrase bad things happen to good people is really true.
one of those weeks that make you see all the small tidbits of your life…and realize it’s all those small things that make your life beautiful.
do any of you have these weeks?
i think you do.
i hope you do.
i hope it's not just me that sometimes has a hard time seeing the sunshine behind the clouds.
but i want to see the sunshine. because i know when i look for it, it's always there.
so instead of focusing on the come what may part of this drabbish week that has past, i decided i want to focus on the love it part that i am experiencing at present…and all of those little things that i feel so incredibly grateful for (even though thanksgiving day is still a few days in the future).
grate⋅ful [greyt-fuhl]: to be warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received
i am grateful for sunrises and sunsets. i love how they symbolize a fresh start and a beautiful ending to each and every day.
i am grateful for family. aren’t families amazing? they pick us up when we’re down. they understand us even when we’re hard to understand. they love us even when we’re hard to love. they make us feel valued, important, and part of something worthwhile.
i am grateful for my family. for my parents, who are my role models, of hard work, passion, and of faith and commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. for my siblings, of whom i feel honored to call my friends- who are smart, funny, kind, unique and down to earth. for my sweet husband, M, who serves me and loves me unconditionally, and who is my best friend. for M’s family, who i consider my own…and has loved me as their own from the day they met me. for my sweet Ellie, who fills my soul each and every day with happiness, fulfillment, and love. i love my family.
i am grateful for the song “Old McDonald.” it has saved me many-a-tears, and granted me thousands of gummy grins from little E.
i am grateful for books. i love escaping this crazy place and finding myself hanging out with vampires, princesses, and war-heroes.
i am grateful for 5-year olds, who are honest to the bone, have zero inhibitions, and love you no matter how many times you tell them “NO!” or “STOP THAT!” or “SAY YOU’RE SORRY!”
i am grateful for medicine. enough said.
i am grateful for music. i love getting my boogie-woogie on. i love singing as loud as i possibly can in my car. i love sitting down at the piano and getting lost in the notes. i love music.
i am grateful for our little apartment that we've made a home. i love that it is our place. i love that i can feel love filling my heart as i leave, and feel love filling my heart back up as i return.
i am grateful for rice cereal. especially when it’s caked and smeared all over little Ellie’s face.
i am grateful for movies. movies that make us laugh. movies that make us cry. movies that give us hope. movies that help us enjoy life.
i am grateful for friends. friends that listen. friends that offer hugs and love and support. friends that know when you need a little call or a message or an email. friends that make you laugh at silly things. friends that teach you and share with you in your crazy times, your normal times, and your wonderful times.
i am grateful for anti-bacterial hand sanitizer. it really gives peace of mind to my germ-o-phobic self.
i am grateful for blow-driers and hair-products that save me from frizzy-hair syndrome (most of the time).
i am grateful for babies. babies who help us serve. babies who teach us how to be simple. babies who help us learn how to love.
i am grateful for my body. my body that somehow created a beautiful baby. my body that somehow delivered that beautiful baby. my body that somehow nourishes that beautiful baby. my body that gives me air. my body that allows me to exercise. my body that allows me to smell, taste, feel, hear and touch the world around me. my body that is a gift from God.
i am grateful to know that i am a daughter of God. i am grateful that i can feel His love for me every day. i am grateful to know that He hears and answers my prayers. i am grateful to feel His guidance and presence in my life in such chaotic, uncertain time of life.
And so it is, that tonight i am grateful. grateful for the sunshine in my life. grateful to be so blessed.
And to add to all of those wonderful things: I am grateful for You, BLUE EYED PIXIE, FUNNY GIRL, WHO CONTINUES TO SHARE ALL THE UPS AND DOWNS OF LIFE WITH OPTIMISM AND LOVE. I hope you have a fantastic time with the wonderful Chapmans . We will see you on Wednesday and spend a few good moments with you all. Hugs and kisses with love to the Highest MOuntain.
Te adora,
Marci, I've had one of those months actually. I am so grateful for Jon and his always stop to smell the roses and see the good in life attitude cuz sometimes I have a hard time seeing through the clouds too! Love you girl and can we please see you guys soon???
Great "thankful" post...It's a great time for one of those!
I loved this post. It made me happy inside :) So I seriously was NOT expecting you to drive clear to ogden for the shower. I just thought I would give you an invitation since you're the coolest neighbor ever! I hope everything is great! I feel like I haven't seen you as much lately. Anyway, did everyone want to tell you their crazy labor stories when you were pregnant? I'm starting to become afraid. haha. The pain is coming......:)
Well, I am grateful for you. We haven't seen each other since before my mission and I'm so glad we keep in touch through our blogs now. I think your soul is beautiful and your words make me either laugh hysterically or they cause me to have a much needed cry. Thanks for helping me to feel grateful today :)
Marci you just have a way with words that make me feel good. I'm so very grateful that I married Craig, because without him I wouldn't have met you and your wonderful family. Happy Thanksgiving, give your family love from the Bostocks!
I needed something like this--thanks!
Oh Marci, you are a ray of sunshine for all of us, and we are grateful for you. Thanks!
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