Sunday, June 9, 2013

March Flashback: Easter and Spring Things

when Easter came, i realized holidays might be a little challenging because we were living life and having these family celebrations - but a member of our family was missing. i remember feeling so sad knowing that we wouldn't have Max to celebrate Easter with us. but i also felt this whole new understanding of Easter - that it truly was about the Savior and his atonement - and that because of Him, my little family would be made whole someday. M and i found lockets for the girls that had a picture of them kissing Max's cheeks inside - to help remember him and this special Easter. they loved those lockets and still wear them often and proudly.

"In Christ, all shall be made alive." -1 Corinthians 15:22

and life continued on, happy and sweet because of these sweet girls. i'm so grateful for them and their innocence, goodness, faith, and love.


1 comment:

Torrie and the girls said...

so sweet! thanks for sharing! and I LOVE the sonogram of little Chapman #4 with his thumb up!