Wednesday, May 30, 2012

strange, somewhat hostile babbles bubbling over.

hi blogosphere.
i woke up in a horrible mood today.

it was 6:45 when i first heard Alice yelling in her bed. and then Ellie three seconds after that. and by 7:00am they were screaming at each other. whhhhhyyyyyyy??, i thought to myself. and i'm still thinking it.

oh and did i mention that Ellie had wet the bed? yeah, changing pee-sheets is not my favorite start to the day.

the girls have been soooo grumpy the last few days. and so now i'm grumpy. it was only a matter of time.  because grumpy kids = grumpy mom. my patience has grown prosciutto-thin...(i don't even think i've ever eaten prosciutto, i just heard Ellen make that analogy once and i wanted to be cool and use it too). anyway, i don't know what my girls' deal is. something they ate? three days ago? (because it's been going on for three days straight. serenity now.). not enough sleep? (they're waking up at the crack of dawn...but i don't know how to stop that.) behavioral issues that need to be seen by a specialist? (because i just can't take the whining and bullying and crying anymore...and i just know they have some sort of pill that can make it stop).

so then once i was already in a bad mood, i just started dwelling on all the junk in my life right now.

like headaches/migraines. waking up with headaches is super lame! will i always need diet coke every day of my life for the rest of my life?

andddddd i'm more than kinda annoyed that my shorts are so tight right now. why the H are my shorts tight right now? i'm not pregnant, it's almost summer, i've been exercising, and yet my shorts are tight. and before i was wearing these shorts, i had changed because i couldn't button my jeans. well, i could button them, but i couldn't breathe for more than three breaths without wanting to puke, and that's basically the same thing as not being able to button them. and so, since it ticks me off, i bought a loaf of bread from Andersen Bakery. it helps ease the pain.

and then i feel ticked off thinking that eating bread is probably the bulk of my problems. why can't bread make me skinny? well, it sure doesn't and that makes me mad.

and then i look at the piles of laundry. ooohhh the laundry. laundry totally ticks me off. especially on holiday weeks. because Monday is usually my laundry day, and when Monday is a holiday, it totally throws off my groove. and now i still have unfolded baskets of laundry infesting my life on Wednesday. and i'm mad at them. so instead of folding them today, i made a spontaneous visit to TJ Maxx (my favorite store. do you like TJ Maxx? or is it just me?) where i bought a black maxi skirt that didn't need washing OR folding, and that i could wear comfortably (unlike my shorts and pants. because the thought of that is still ticking me off). and then i had buyer's remorse. because i rarely leave a store (even Safeway) without feeling buyer's remorse.

and then guess what? i came home and the laundry was still here. (enter swear-word here). so i turned on the TV because surely that could distract me getting it done. and guess what. there's been NO tv on. nothing new on my DVR to watch. [anger.] i can't waste my time folding laundry if i don't have anything to watch. what am i going to do? how am i ever going to get this laundry done now?

so you see. i'm a conflicted, disgruntled, and hostile soul today.

on a much lighter note: these girls are darling.

Ellie has a ballet recital on Saturday that i can't wait to see. look at that cute tutu! ah, i'm dying over it. after three seconds of Ellie trying on her costume, Alice demanded to be in one too. Alice wants to be just like her big sister. and Ellie is pretty cute, so i get it. i just wish Ellie would see how much Alice idolizes her and be a little (lot) kinder to her. i want my children to be kind, you know? we have not been the kind house this week.

and another exciting thing that almost boosted me out of my bad mood is that Alice's Cirucs Party is featured on Apartment Therapy today! (it would have totally boosted me out of my bad mood if they gave me a million dollars for the awesome party submission + a spell to make my pants button comfortably. but whatevs.) here's the link-

go check it out! thanks to Megs for encouraging me to submit it. it's kinda fun to be famous for a day. or something like that.


p.s. a special thank you to my hubs who loves me in spite of hostile days like this. he even wrote me a love-note on our bathroom mirror this morning after i'd most-assuredly rolled my eyes and said something snotty under my bad-morning-breath. man, i'm over the moon for that guy.


elysebeard said...

I have had a constant stream of swear words go through my head today. It must be national day from hell today.

I feel you.

Dale brought me home flowers today after I've been a total jerk, so with that and mikes love note, I'd say it's also national husbands save our asses day.

I apologize for all the swear words in this post.

Lea Tame said...

I'm so glad you have bad days too. Makes me feel normal since I look up to you in so many ways! You're amazing and I love that you're just a regular girl too...
LOVE Ellie in her costume. That is perfection right there.
Hang in there. Sending love and patience your way!

Unknown said...

Man Marc, I can totally relate. Some days it just all collides and the Maxx and comfort food are the only things that can even remotely help. Your girls are so beautiful and fun. Take some credit!!! You are a wonderful mom. :)

Liz said...

Sorry you had a rough day. I guess it was national day from hell like Elyse said...I had a rough one too. Here's hoping for a new beautiful day.

Your girls are darling and I can't wait until Holly starts dance!!

Megan said...

sorry to say, but I found this post perfectly delightful :) really, though - your posts always make me smile.

I'm sorry about the pants...story of my life. I may be pregnant but when even old maternity clothes are struggling to fit, I go buy maxi skirts, too. they are lifesavers right now.

diet coke is a godsend.

the girls in their little goodness. cutest.thing.ever.

and you totally were famous for a day. it's pretty awesome & I'm so glad you sent Alice's party in. you rock.