i love halloween oreos because they taste so fresh. so naturally i inhaled the first one...but then heard the click of Ellie's door opening with a few crumbs tumbling around the corners of my mouth. i hurried and hid my other Oreos under my pillow just as i heard her say, "Mama, I'm siiirssty (thirsty)." so i got her some water, scooped her up, and brought her back to her room where i gave her a little kiss. she pulled away from me and said, "watch-ya eatin' Mama?" i told her i wasn't eating anything, to which she replied, "but you taste like a Oreo..."
talk about caught in the act! i laughed out loud. i can't think of anything better than tasting like an Oreo. other than having a funny kid telling you that you taste like one.

it has been raining here which has been so nice. it really feels like fall, which is obviously my fave. and it's october so it's double my fave (i know i say July is my fave...but that's only until October rolls around and then i change my mind...until July comes around again). anyway, since nothing tastes better than warm soup and a chunk of French bread on a chilly night, i made some chicken enchilada soup for dinner.

it was actually a Body For Life recipe i tweaked a little bit- that's right, a diet recipe. that tasted GOOD. hot dang, it hit the spot. and the real way i gauge a dinner success is that i can't wait to eat the left-overs for lunch tomorrow. cannot wait.
Alice discovered that she loved spaghetti this weekend. like, she really loved it. though, now that i think of it, i can't think of many things she doesn't love to eat.

i remembered this weekend how much i love homemade waffles and homemade syrup with lots of strawberries and so much whipped cream, you can't even see the waffle. breakfast food is just my favorite thing.

and one last food for thought, a food confession. today i hosted joy school at my house. i love joy school so much. it's so cute hearing these cute little girls talk about decisions and obedience and sing cute little songs together. to teach them about following rules, we did a little baking experiment. i had 2 boxes of cake mix-- with the first i let them add whatever they wanted to the mix. we added milk, 1 egg, a hunk of butter, and sugar. we mixed it all up and poured it in yellow cupcake wrappers. then, we made a cake box following the recipe. we poured the good mix into the pink wrappers. the idea was to demonstrate that deciding to follow rules brings much better results than just doing whatever we want. so we let the cupcakes bake and about 1/2 way through, i peeked in to see how they were doing. guess what? even the wacky recipe cupcakes were looking beautiful. what the heck? that just wasn't going to work with my object lesson at all...so i took a fork to the wacky-recipe ones and deflated them as much as possible. yes, i'm a fraud! i rigged the experiment, all in the name of an object lesson.

and i admit: i think it was worth it...the girls were amazed by how beautiful the "follow the rules" cupcakes were compared to the "wacky recipe" cupcakes. one little girl even said, "the cupcakes are so pretty when we follow the rules!"
success. fraudulent, but successful nonetheless.
and now i will eat a pretty "follow the rules" cupcake. because i ran out of Halloween Oreos, i ran out of other food topics to ramble about, and it just seems like the right thing to do.
kids are so smart!! on kate's 2nd halloween i realized i was in for it when she could hear me opening candy wrappers from a mile away. i am cracking up over your joy school experiment. i would've done the same thing :)
I am laughing out loud.
I love these stories.
I might or might not copy your idea of the object lesson for Primary.... still deciding on the fraud vs following the rules thing. hahahaha
But it's a great idea. I might encourage them to add a LOT of water, so this way they really do flop.
I am going to try the recipe for the cheese Enchilada soup. Yesterday I made the Bear Creek GUMBO, , quick, easy, and I too tweeked it a bit and it was yummy since it has been raining. I did put up FALL decorations. Sometimes, I think Mimi will be scared if I don't maintain traditions.... I wonder if she would even care?
I am so glad you are still reading a ton to the girls. This makes me so happy, because I know that they tooo will develop a huge love for books and reading. Well done! I love your Kindergarten voices! Come read me a story!
Alice and Spaggetti is the best. Alice and ANY food is the best, but! Spaggetti suits her!
I am so excited that we are coming soon to visit and I don't have to write a long post, but talk to your blue eyes in person! Te quiero ucho! Besitos a las nietecitas.
Correction: Mimi will be SCARRED not scared! lol
Please, pretty please, with a cherry on top (keeping things food related), could you send me that enchilada soup recipe?! We've been a bunch of sickies over here this week and that looks absolutely divine for kicking this flu to the curb. I'm literally laying on our couch, the girls on the other couch and the husband on the floor (poor hubs) - all bundled in blankets - and I'm drooling over this post. This was post was darling, as always. :)
Livvy doesn't even ask anymore what I am eating. She just says " I want some of that." She knows if I am eating on the sly that it is the good stuff. And awesome job on the joy school experiment, it totally worked, they know to follow rules now.
How's the pinky?
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who hides cookies from their kids. :)
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