Saturday, June 18, 2011

"i like where we are."

that's what M said to me last night when we were crawling into bed.
and i couldn't agree more.
it is so wonderful and magical to be a newlywed.
it is so life-changing and love-deepening to become parents together.
it is so rewarding to graduate from college and move away, start a career and build a life together.
and then life just lands in fast-forward until we have extra wrinkles, gray hairs, and love-handles, and all of a sudden we've been married for 6 years.
from the tiniest most ridiculous disagreements, to the toots that make us laugh uncontrollably, to the overwhelming worry that comes with being a parent, to the stress of home-owning and bills bills bills, to the endless dieting and splurging, to the kisses before work and the snuggles before bed...
i like where we are, too.
wrinkles and gray hairs and love handles and all.

happy anniversary to my love.
you'll always have my heart.



Hale-O There said...

I love these thoughts.
Congrats on six wonderful years!

Faye said...

Beautiful post Marci. Happy Anniversary to both of you!

Linda said...

Happy Day when you two got married!!!!! You are perfect for each other! We miss you. Have a great day!
MOM, Dad and Mims

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!!! What a beautiful post Marci!!

Megan said...

what a lovely post. happy anniversary. and look at you - your blog looks so cute! well done, friend!

Jenny said...

the wrinkles and gray hairs and love handles comment made me laugh. happy anniversary! i hope you get to get out and have some fun together!