i just found this coarse, crazy, unruly, WHITE hair on the tip top of my cute lil curly-haired head!
i repeat: A WHITE HAIR!!!!
possible causes:
the crazy toddler screaming in her crib for the last hour.
the house that is a disaster that i swear i just spent all my free time cleaning.
the insane amount of treats i am consuming.
but really, can these be reasons for having white hairs at the ripe age of 25?????????
my poor, beautiful brown hair.
Ooh. Every time I find a gray hair on my head I yank that baby out. Your brown curly hair is still beautiful!
oh no! thank goodness for hair dye!
this made me laugh so hard because i just pulled out a gray hair from my head the other day. calling it white sounds so much better than gray though! :)
Kids'll do that to ya.
Never, Ever tell anyone this (I don't know your other readers so we are ok), but I get this random white eyebrow hair. Random, I know. But oh so horrifying!! And totally noticeable! It's on my face!!!! Whenever it decides to pop up I pull that puppy so darn fast I don't even have time to blink! Boom Baby!
I feel ya, I have found 3. I claim that the follicle has pigment issues. They aren't REAL white or gray hairs!
Sadly I have had gray/white hairs since I was 22. I have A LOT now, so many I can't just pull them out. I have to dye my hair because they are right up front. I'm really unlucky though because my grandpa was completely white by 30. So just be happy it is only one. And yes I do believe that all of the reasons you listed would cause the white hair. Kids are hard!
Oh Marce-I feel ya. After I had number two (he's almost two now) about a year ago I started finding the random white hairs. Seriously depressing at 25. Every week or so I go through and pull out a handful. Life goes on I suppose-I just thought it was something that happened at 45, not 25! hang in there! :) That's what salons are for eventually anyway!
Umm. I found my first on my 24th birthday. That was two and half years ago. And they've multiplied times a million I feel like sometimes. And I have no kids or husband to blame it on...
Marc - I've been finding gray hairs since I was 22. Seriously. How sad is this!
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