i'm excited to share some fun and interesting facts that have been floating around my little brain these last few weeks:
fact: we've reached 400% precipitation here in utah for the month of june.
fact: i couldn't be happier that we've broken 90 (accompanied by sunshine and blue skies, of course) the past two days in spite of that crazy precipitation statistic.
fact: even though i didn't make a father's day post, i do love my dad. he's awesome. and i do love M. he's the best daddy in the world to our E (man, i feel better now).
fact: i miss you, all of my friends. i miss hanging out with you. talking with you. watching our kids play. eating lunch. can i be so annoying and bold to invite myself to hang out with you?? i'm leaving in august and then i will be friendless. (i know, debbie downer/pity party). i love you all and am very free. every. single. day. :)
fact: amazon.com is very addicting. i got a giftcard from one of my students to spend there...and i've spent the last week heavily debating what to buy. i'm very indecisive...but just barely decided on a new swim suit...and a williams sonoma cookbook...i unfortunately already have buyer's remorse..and am thinking "ah, i should've gotten this or that or that other thing..." i'm not a very good shopper.
fact: we have a walker on our hands. everyone keeps warning me about it...but i'm lovin' it.
fact: eating healthy really does make you feel good. but that doesn't mean you don't want the unehalthy stuff anymore...ore less...or whatever. i crave frozen yogurt. and oreos. every. single. moment. of. every. single. day.
fact: E had her 1 year check-up today. she's a petite little thing! only 19.2 lbs!! what!? but just because she's petite doesn't mean she has little lungs...she screamed her guts out with those shots. yowsers.
fact: the movie he's just not that into you is by far the stupidest movie i've seen this year. or in the last 5 years. or ever in my whole life.
fact: the movie last chance harvey is runner up in worst ever to he's just not that into you.
fact: celebrating an ocassion is done best over an extended period of time. let me elaborate: we took 3 whole days to celebrate our anniversary. we saw two movies (star trek- surprisingly awesome...live long and prosper, and the proposal- also surprisingly hilarious...but i'm a sucker for sandra bullock), went to the roof (yuuummmmy), got frozen yogurt, churros, and snuggled. it was memorable. and lovely in every way.
fact: we also went to jump on it for the first time on our anniversary weekend. while it was very fun and gave me several flashbacks to my childhood days, it was pretty disastrous. M rolled his ankle and today it looks like huge grapefruit dyed blue. that's not even the disastrous part...every time i jumped too high, i peed my pants. seriously. no one told me a side-effect of labor would be that i can't control my peeing anymore. geesh.
fact: we eat edamame in our house at least twice a day. i love it, M loves it, and E tries to steal it all for herself.
fact: thanks to E, i now despise the car and try to think of any way to get out of anything that requires driving. her screaming could cause anyone to pull out their hair and their husband's hair simultaneously (not that that's happened or anything...). will there ever be relief?
fact: there are some weirdees who walk on the provo river trail. wow.
fact: weaning is very painful. while i'm ready, and am loving it for the most part (freedom!), i hate it. oh, the pain!
fact: my hair is very long. like it hasn't been this long since 10th grade. keep it long? cut it? you know i love your hair advice :)
fact: feeding E regular food is very messy. and fun. and messy. and it requires a lot of effort and thought. but it's fun. but did i mention that it's messy?
fact: being a stay-at-home mom is a lot harder than it looks. i'm so tired at the end of each day..even more than before. and i only have one kid!! still, sometimes i need a break. and sometimes i feel bad that i need a break...but that doesn't mean i don't need one. luckily, M lets me take one when i need one :)
fact: sometimes i want to throw the remote control at the t.v. so that the t.v. will break and i don't have to hear the announcers on espn EVER AGAIN. but only sometimes.
fact: i hate that jillian doesn't know what a loser wes is. can someone please tell her, already?
fact: while i hate public pools (think of all that pee....uck), we're having so much fun going to seven peaks. it's utah's beach! i try not to think about the pee water when E gulps down tons when the waves crash her in the face in the wave pool...
fact: i like to think that i am getting tanner by going to seven peaks as often as we do...but deep down, i know that i am just a slightly darker shade of white, resembling very closely my whiteness in the bleak month of january. sigh.
fact: i do a spin, sashe & kick before i get into bed every night. i wish i could be on So You Think You Can Dance (thanks ash for helping me get that off my chest. whew).
fact: i still laugh thinking about when Mary Murphy made her botox comment. she's HIL-ARIOUS.
fact: we move in exactly 2 months.
fact: i haven't packed a single box.
fact: i don't know when i will start packing.
fact: i don't want to pack.
fact: i hate packing.
fact: my heart is growing. really! it is! because i love M more than i did four years ago, and i love E more than i did yesterday..or even five minutes ago. love love love love love.
the end.
I watched He's Just Not That Into You the other day and wanted to throw up. Worst movie I've ever seen. And don't even get me started on Jillian. The fact that she can't see what a doofus Wes is makes me not like her. Blah.
the end.
You're posts are always very creative, interesting, and fun to read. :) Thanks!
You are a funny kid! It's fun to peek into your creative brain.
It was nice to have you here for Father's Day weekend. It will be fun to have you over the 4th. I am especially excited to take Ellie to the ZOO. Lagoon will be fun also.
Have a great week. I am happy that Ellie cried hard at the Dr.s Babies are supposed to HATE shots!
I love you all.
I really like the ESPN sportscenter announcers. I think they're funny.
You are just so cute! A little hint about the weaning process...Take antihistamines. (claritin, allegra, or over the counter Benedryl) It'll help to dry up your milk, making the process a whole lot less painfull!
He's Just Not That Into You - yeah, wish I could purge the whole thing from my brain.
My 5 month old son weighs 21 lbs. He is large. Oh to have a petite little girl again; my poor arms.
Love your posts, Marce. I hope you still blog a ton after you move. :)
Thank you for this post. It made me laugh! :) I just love you and simply...miss you. Fine, we can get together since i am free everyday too.
Fact: I love your post
Fact: I did not know you are moving? Where are you going?
He's just not that into you SUCKS. I should have warned you. Hated it.
Mary is hilarious...obnoxious...and sweet.
I am embarrassed for Jillian, she is making a fool of herself over Wes. Ah, she's probably kicking herself right now watching these episodes back.
It's so fun to chat about silly nonsense! Funny what entertains us huh!
Good luck packing. ugh.
yes- he's just not that into you... sooo lame!
And Jillian and Wes- oh my, seriously?!
And E drinking pee water...well that's life and I'm glad you don't let it stop you from having fun!
And you at jump on it- you crack me up.
We also eat lots of edamame at our house. I'm sure you've seen it and probably buy it... but just in case you don't know they sale a big box at Sam's Club for an awesome price.
And one more fact: i love you
Ok.... so this might be a silly question but... what is edamame?
Marce, your posts are so original and creative. I love it!
Amen to "He's Just Not That Into You." So stupid! I also secretly want to throw the remote at ESPN on occasion. I know you've mentioned before how Mike LOVES "PTI" and "Around the Horn." Jared shares his love, and well, it just sounds like one big argumentative yelling bash.
As always, little E just looks kissable and adorable.
Hey, I liked "he's just not that into you" It reminded me of people that I know. How come everyone hated it so much?
I miss you, Marci!!! I am very free this summer too and I need to keep my mind busy. So next time you are feeling like you need to get out, give me a call! I would love to hang out with you tons and tons before you take off for S.F. We have a lot to catch up on!
I am guilty of liking "He's just not that into you" also. It just seemed very true to life to me even the part about the husband having the affair (which is sad that it happens but I am also glad he got what he deserved in the end! Skummy men!) Marci you crack me up and I love reading your posts! I think all your opinions are great! Oh and Ellie is adorable.
I have had no desire to see He's Just Not That Into You and you have basically solidified me not seeing it, thank you:) I can't believe how cute and little E is. JJ is 3 lbs heavier than her haha!! I LOVE edamame, too!! Yummy. I buy it at costco cuz they come in little "snack" size bags and you freeze them and then pull out one little sack and the rest doesnt go bad...Please can I see you before you move???
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