have i ever told you that?
i don't really know why it's my favorite number...but it always has been.
i think i like how it's the only number that is parallel...constant..symmetrical. i like how it looks like a road. and so, 11, is my favorite-little-number-road.
and ellie turned 11-little-road-months-old this month. just one month till she's a year.
does that mean she's not a baby anymore after that? that's what i always thought. but now that it's here, i don't feel like she's not my baby anymore. she still IS my baby.
here's 11 recent pictures of my 11 month old ellie for you to see for yourself. she's a baby, right? oh, and she's cute.
i love her.
I cannot believe you have an 11 month old. She is so cute, I just can't get enough of her!!!! Love her to death!
Wow...11 months. Crazy!! She is just gorgeous!! I love the pictures!! It was good to see you on Saturday!
To my dear BABY, Marci:
Loved the 11 pictures!!! AND YES she is still your BABY. My Babies are all grown up! My one baby is graduating from High School.... another.... has an 11 month baby that's oh, so cute... and the other BABY just became a DAD> But I know what you mean. I c0nsider them babies until they are toddling! Then.... they are toddlers by definition.... but go ahead!.... call her your baby as long as you want! Forever? ( Just stop calling her that to her face... or she will get really upset and remind you that " she is NOT a BABY!". I love you.
I didn't know 11 was your favorite number! Hum. Cool. I like it. Mine is 3. In case you did not know. Love it.
my favorite number is 8088. I love the 11 photos she is a doll!
What DARLING pictures!
Marce, you're getting to be a great photographer! And wow, E is getting to be like, a real little person! And she totally has your cute face. What a lucky girl.
Ahhh. Stanford Place. I just love it that our girls' young photos have many of the same lovely backdrops. She sure is cute! (And don't worry- a lot of times we refer to Kensington as "the baby." She's almost two.)
Kevin loves the mud eating picture! Yummy!
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