after a week of sleep boot camp:
ellie slept through the night last night.
(for the first time EVER)
merry christmas to me!
i am currently:
::jumping up and down::
::thinking of running a marathon::
::wondering, "have i ever felt this good?::
a full night of sleep does wondrous things to an exhausted mama.
dear full night's sleep,
please come back tonight. i'll bake you cookies. i'll let you win my blog giveaway. i'll give you anything you want. just come back. ok? i love you.
*p.s. today is THE LAST day to enter my holiday blog giveaway! for details on how to enter, click here. happy commenting, and good luck!!**
Good for Ellie, and good for you! A good night's sleep DOES do wonders. I've got nearly a 20 pound 5 month old child and she's still getting up during the night to eat. Why? I'm pretty sure she could live on her fat stores for a week.
Yeah Baby Ellie!!! Good luck on tonight!
Hooray! I hope it continues for you!
Yeah!! Marce, isn't sleep wonderful?! I remember when Wyatt slept through the night for the first time....all I can say is fabulous! Too bad my darling baby boy doesn't sleep through the night any more. I started rice cereal this past we'll see if that helps any. I am super happy for you and baby Ellie. I hope she continues to sleep through the night for you. :)
Woo hoo! Way to go Ellie! Grandpa is very proud of you! Love you tons!!
Congratulations Marci! What a milestone. I'm so glad you got a whole nights sleep. If she can do it once she can do it over and over. That's awesome. Way to go Ellie.
I am so happy for the three of you! I promise, one day...she will love sleep... and you'll get frustrated with her not wanting to get up for school. It will come faster than you think! AHUGH! The extremes of parenting! But for now... do enoy, enjoy, enjoy! I love you.
Congrats! That is great and such an accomplishment!
You're hilarious, Marci.
Good Job Ellie! Yay for mommy!
Congratulations on a full nights sleep! I love your mom's comment about how quickly she will be loving sleep and not wanting to get up. At least I think, and hope, that was your mom's comment. Either way, that comment totally made me smile. As does your beautiful baby via blog. And hopefully your beautiful baby in person soon here over the holiday break...
Hallelujah! I also gave Finn a 'sleep boot camp' the week before he turned 6 months I know how you feel. Next step to independence is weaning. I tell ya, having a baby that is weaned and sleeps through the night is SOOO much easier. Congrats on the milestone!
PS: how can I rig it so I win your holiday giveaway?
you crack me up!
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