i'm still here.
i really wanted to post pictures of the nursery WITH a baby...but seeing that she is being a stubborn little thing, i decided to let the nursery make its lonely debut without her.
what do you think? i really love it. there are still little things i want to add... but i love it. M really has worked his little heart out getting everything all perfect for this little person...and i just sit in there on that wonderful chair thinking...and dreaming...and wondering...and hoping that the day will come soon.
preggers update: i'm scheduled for induction on wednesday. i really want to go on my own- but i will NOT refuse the drugs if she hasn't come by then. it's amazing how you can go an entire pregnancy without stretch marks and within days notice little lines dancing across your tummy...i just keep getting bigger and bigger, which means she just gets bigger and bigger, which really makes me nervous. eek. but things are good- just waiting...and waiting.
thank you for all of your love and prayers! sorry i haven't been able to keep up with returning texts and phone calls. i love you all and appreciate your love so much. AND, i promise, the MINUTE i notice anything labor-ish, i will blog about it and keep you posted (as much as possible) on the process. can't wait for the fireworks to really begin!
Way cute Nursery! She will love it. I can't wait to see her. No doubt that she will be beautiful! Good luck!
that is probably the most adorable nursery i have ever seen, marce. i love it. it will be even cuter with that baby chap in there. hang in there girl...you amaze me.
wow marce- your nursery is beautiful! Thanks for keeping us updated... I can't imagine how you must be feeling- I'm anxious for you! You're incredible....can't wait to see your little one.
Marcie! I love the nursery! Your baby girl is so stinking lucky! You are going to be the greatest little mom ever! Hang in there! I'm praying for you!!! :)
Yeah for nursery pictures! I love it! Thanks for adding the blanket in there :) Where did you get that dresser? The whole thing is amazing. Thanks for the update. Still praying for you :)
Marci I hope your time comes soon. Going over is no fun. Your nursery is super cute! You'll love your bouncer, the fact that it fully reclines is awesome.
marci.. that nursery is AWESOME! very cute! i love the chair.. i think that's my favorite part! anyway, i talked to my friends down at UVRMC and they have marked your name down to look out for you in case i miss ya when you are in the hospital.. i told them to treat you guys extra nice.. and give you cool things.. they better do it! haha... good luck marci.. can't wait for baby chappy's debut!
Your nursery is SO cute! I love it! And don't worry...I'm sure she'll come soon. :)
the nursery looks AMAZING!!
ha ha ha, I know what you mean about the stretch marks. I THOUGHT I lucked out when it came to stretch marks...but then I delivered. Its funny how much my big prego bellies hide. :P
Good luck on delivery day!!!
Well, you're probably in labor right now but I'll post this anyway...
The nursury is darling. Don't worry, you'll get your little princess soon enough. And then you won't get any sleep!
Your zebra blanket is finished. It's sitting on my couch. We were going to bring it to you today but I'm sure you're in labor (and I'm probably still contaminated).
Good luck with baby. We can't wait to see her!
p.s. This is Leah.
gorgeous nursery. nice work.
I absolutely love your nursery!! Good luck and I cant wait to hear about your little one and see the pictures with her IN the nursery:)
gorgeous nursery! I feel your pain. I'm so sorry. I've been trying to leave you alone cuz I know how annoying it is to have everyone asking questions.. my favorite..."You haven't had your baby yet???" I just wanted to look at them and say... Yeah, I have, this huge belly is now just a tumor and we left the baby home alone!" :-) We love you guys. Let us know if we can do anything! You guys did a great job on the nursery.
I love how crisp and clean everthing is! its beautiful marci you did great designing and mike you did great doing the muscle work!
I LoVe YoUr NuRsErY:) It's the cutest thing I've ever seen- Great taste! We started our nursery this weekend, your pictures made me get excited... I hope you're doing okay- Hang in there Marce, she'll be here soon
Marci! I absolutely love the nursery! You did such a good job and I'm sure your little girl will be a nice finishing touch! Anyway, I'm sick of being a blog stalker so if it's ok I am going to add you to the list..It's funny how I always seem to find myself linked to your blog! Good luck with everything!
I LOVED being induced! Everything (meaning the pain) was nice and controlled and there were no surprises! I was 2 days overdue and had a 9 pounder. I'm sure you'll have a darling, petite girly...but I'm a huge fan of being induced the sooner, the better. Best of luck! I can't wait for her playgroup debut!
Love, Natalie Wirig
So cute! It'll be even cuter with little Chapman in there!
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