Wednesday, February 8, 2012

love week: i love diet coke + Alice's manners.

yeah, i'm one of those people.
a diet coke person.
reasons for my diet coke love: it cures my otherwise incurable headaches, homesickness, occasional crash at around 3 pm, + excessive desire for sweets. it's pretty awesome in my opinion. mmmmmmm, diet coke.

{image found via pinterest here}

and today i also love the way that Alice has recently started saying/signing please and thank you (which are definitely inaudible to anyone but me, but still freaking cute nonetheless). i am kind of obsessed with it and make her say please like 100 x's a day because i love it so much.

love love love love love.

same place tomorrow? sounds love-ly.



{amy k.} said...

not gonna lie, watched it twice she's so cute! and did i catch some sign language in there?? can't believe how big she's getting!

Mat and Brooke said...

I LOVE your new blog header!!! That picture is unbelievably cute. You look like the most beautiful young mama there ever was. :)

I love Alice's sign language, too! Isn't it interesting how different each child is? I will never forget you posting a video of Ellie identifying each letter in the alphabet when she was like...14 months old. It was so unfathomable to me to think there really existed a BABY out there that could do such an amazing thing. Savanna was in (her first year of) Kindergarten at the time, and struggling to learn the very same things that "smarter than a whip" Ellie had already mastered! It's a humbling thing for sure raising children. We learn so much from each of them. :)

You sure are a rockstar of a mom, Marce. It's such a pleasure reading your blog. :)

mks said...

i love your love week idea and am going to try it out this year. you have such a cute family and you rock as a mom. thanks for the inspiration!

-melissa king sunday

Lea Tame said...

Oh, how I miss DC! I had to give it up for this crazy migraine diet. It was one of the hardest things to let go. Caffeine free DC just isn't the same.