winning free stuff is just the best thing, don't you think?
like i had mentioned before, M had a business seminar this last weekend in So Cal. every day the seminar peeps had a raffle giving away prizes and such...
and on one lucky day, M's name was drawn- and his prize was a kindle! Sa-WEET!
he told me that after they drew his name, he threw his hands in the air, screamed really loud, and ran all the way up to the stage where he hi-fived the MC. i reaaaalllly wish i could have been there to see that. he's so cute.

anyway, i'm totally pumped because i love to read. who doesnt!? i love how many free books you can get on the kindle. i feel like i'm stealing or something. but i realize i could definitely use some new good book suggestions to fill up my new digital library. help??? what reads have you been lovin this summer?
help a sista out, will ya?
the book thief is one of my favorites if you haven't read that yet!
Amy, i loved the book thief too! Such an interesting read! miss you friend :)
I am reading The Help right now and love it. I am excited to see the movie when I done reading it.
I also read These Is My Words. Liked this book a lot. Jill recommended it to me.
Denae read the book Unbroken and loved it. That's the next on my list.
ereadernewstoday.com has a lot of free books you can get for the kindle.
Ok, my favorite recent reads:
The Book Thief
The Help
Cleopatra's Daughter
Mrs. Mike
These Is My Words
The Uglies/Pretties/Specials
Maze Runner/Scorch Trials
The Mortal Instruments Series
The Clockwork Angel
The Forgotten Garden (I just started this one but my sister really liked it)
The Thirteenth Tale
Unbroken is on my liste but my sister really liked it as well!
I want to read Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother
And, yeah...I'll stop :) I'm so excited you got a Kindle! How fun!! Enjoy it!
Fun! I still think there's nothing better than the satisfaction turning an actual book page gives me...or seeing a cute bookmark adorn the page where I stop. BUT - we got the hubs a nook color for christmas and he loves it. He's also turned it into a tablet for the girls, so that's super. A-hem. Back to my point. Whenever I need good book suggestions, I get on goodreads and see what friends have read recently and how they rated it. :)
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